
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-01-30 08:31:17


I can''t comprehend someone not being able to understand that statement.

Hardware without software is just a pile of metal and plastic. It needs to be told WHAT to do, and WHEN to do it. In that sense, software directs the hardware to perform a task. That''s why people often refer to a computer as a "system".

将红色和绿色的苹果分装到不同的袋子中是由大脑控制的,而是由手执行的. />
The sorting of red and green apples into separate bags is directed by brain, but performed by hands.

The point is, first the software decides what to do, and then the hardware does it.


相同的输入由大脑给出的输出指令(输入)和由body ex完成的任务输入.手(输出)

Take a very simple example of our day to day life. The task is being given to you. Your body performs the task but actually you being directed by your brain how to do that task.

Same is input to output- instruction given by brain (Input) and task done by Body ex. Hand(Output)

Hope now its clear