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如何在 sql server management studio 2012 中创建复合外键

更新时间:2023-01-30 11:57:17

在对象资源管理器中,转到您的表并选择 Keys >上下文菜单中的新外键:

In Object Explorer, go to your table and select Keys > New Foreign Key from the context menu:


From the dialog box that pops up, click on the Add button to create a new foreign key:

给它一个有意义的名字,然后点击...按钮打开Tables and Columns Specification对话框:

Give it a meaningful name and then click on the ... button to open the Tables and Columns specification dialog box:


Fill in the necessary columns for the parent and the child tables, click OK and you're done!

或者更简单、更高效 - 使用 T-SQL 脚本!

Or much easier and more efficiently - use a T-SQL script!

ALTER TABLE dbo.OtherTable
ADD CONSTRAINT FK_OtherTable_ParentTable
FOREIGN KEY(OrderId, CompanyId) REFERENCES dbo.ParentTable(OrderId, CompanyId)