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如何从 Ajax 表单提交 asp.net mvc 中的下拉列表

更新时间:2023-02-01 10:49:15

好吧,将近 2 年后,你可能不再关心了.谁知道:也许其他人(例如我 ;-) 会这样做.

OK, nearly 2 years later, you probably don't care anymore. Who knows: Maybe others (such as me ;-) do.


So here's the (extremely simple) solution:

在您的 Html.DropDownList(...) 调用中,更改

In your Html.DropDownList(...) call, change

new { onchange = "this.form.submit()" }

new { onchange = "this.form.onsubmit()" }


Can you spot the difference? ;-)

原因是 Ajax.BeginForm() 创建一个带有 onsubmit() 处理程序的表单来异步提交表单.通过调用 submit(),您可以绕过这个 onsubmit() 自定义处理程序.调用 onsubmit() 对我有用.

The reason is that Ajax.BeginForm() creates a form with an onsubmit() handler to submit the form asynchronously. By calling submit(), you bypass this onsubmit() custom handler. Calling onsubmit() worked for me.