
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 17:41:31


你可以在这里开始: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki /List_of_numerical_libraries#.NET_Framework_languages_C.23.2C_F.23_and_VB.NET [ ^ ]。

Please see my comment to the question: it my turn into a really difficult problem. There is no one common algorithm; the algorithm would depend on the class of functions, applicable only to certain classed of functions, and, in general case, even the notion of the solution cannot be mathematically defined.

You can start, say, here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_numerical_libraries#.NET_Framework_languages_C.23.2C_F.23_and_VB.NET[^].


除了谢尔盖之外,您可能会发现阅读标题为数字食谱在CISBN 0-521-43108-5的书可能会帮助您找到系数值的方法。在Google上搜索这本书,我不会发布链接,因为很多链接都是盗版版本。

In addition to Sergey, you may find that reading the book titled "Numerical Recipes in C" ISBN 0-521-43108-5 may help you with methods to find the values of the coefficients. Search for the book on Google, I won't post the link because a lot of the links are bootleg versions.

You will find though that this is a very difficult area of programming, if you aren't concerned about how long it takes to solve your equations then you shouldn't have too many problems but I recently worked on a minimization solver that was constrained for time (had to solve in 100ms or less) for equations that are much more complicated than you have. We ended up going a different direction because an MP-LP solver took too long on our target equipment.