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使用Ansible SSH到远程服务器

更新时间:2023-02-02 17:45:42


Given that you do not use Paramiko for ssh (transport = ssh), Ansible will fully use your ~/.ssh/config. Therefore you can globally define all connection rules in your ssh configuration.


If for some reason you want Ansible to not use your default ssh config but provide an separate configuration, you can define this in your ansible.cfg:

ssh_args= -F "/path/to/ssh/config/specifically/for/ansible"


In your ssh config then set up the connection rules. To stick with your example:

Host HostA
  HostName real-host-name-A.com

Host HostB
  HostName real-host-name-B.com
  ProxyCommand ssh -q HostA nc %h %p

Host HostC
  HostName real-host-name-C.com
  ProxyCommand ssh -q HostB nc %h %p

  • 与A的连接是直接的
  • 与B的连接通过A
  • 与C的连接通过B,而B通过A