
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:28:20

你真的应该先自己尝试一些研究 - 请参阅问题指南。

这是一个代码项目文章,可以帮助你入门 Sql Server - 如何在Sql server中编写存储过程 [ ^ ]还讨论了使用它们的好处

How can we make a simple procedure in sql server ?
and also tell me what is procedures and why we use them ?

You really should try some research yourself first - see the guide to asking questions.

Here is a code project article to get you started Sql Server - How to write a Stored procedure in Sql server[^] which also discusses the benefits of using them