
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-02 22:54:32

p $ p> App :: uses('AppModel','Model');


  var $ useTable ='vote'; 


My app works with other models, but for some reason the "Vote" model cannot connect to the db table when I try to save to it. I've been at this for a couple days and I feel like I've tried everything!

here is my controller VoteController.php that calls the model (edited down for readability):


class VoteController extends AppController {

    var $uses = array('Track', 'Vote');

    function upvote() {
        $this->autoRender = false;
        $User = $this->auth();
        if ($User) {
            $track_id = @$this->params['id'];
            $this->Vote->upvote($track_id, $User['User']['id']);



here is the model vote.php:


App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');

class Vote extends AppModel {

    var $name = 'Vote';

    function upvote($id, $user_id) {
        $VoteObject = array('Vote' => array(
                'u_id' => $user_id,
                't_id' => $id,
                'upvote' => 1,
                'downvote' => 0



And of course, in my database, I have a table "votes" with columns id, u_id, t_id, upvote, and downvote. After everything executes, I get this error:

Missing Database Table

Error: Table votes for model Vote was not found in datasource default.

I've tried deleting the files in tmp, as well as renaming everything, printing out queries, etc, and I can't seem to get anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

try removing this line

App::uses('AppModel', 'Model');

and adding this to the class

var $useTable = 'votes';

It looks like it's trying to use the correct name. so that might not be an issue. Can you verify that your data source is setup correctly.