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Cordova / Phonegap:JQuery UI手风琴在ios8上不再滚动了

更新时间:2023-02-03 09:30:19


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我刚刚遇到了另一个问题,似乎打破了iOS 8中的滚动。我一直使用 bouncefix.js ,但似乎这个库与最新的cordova和iOS 8不兼容。只是注释掉这个javascript库重新启用在我的应用程序滚动。

在iOS 8之前,bouncefix.js运行得很好,没有导致任何滚动问题。

I got an App for iOS written within the cordova framework (html/css/js). To display contents it uses the Accordion from JQuery UI. The Accordion has fixed height so that the contents needs scrolling when it's to large for one page. Til the iOS8 Update everything worked fine, now i can't scroll the contents anymore. Scrolling works when i tap on the header of the accordion but not with then content.

Anyone an idea what could cause this?

Things i checked
- cordova up to date
- jQuery up to date
- XCode up to date
- with Safari Debugger i don't find any diferences in CSS
- same App works on ios 7.1
- difference in behaviour also present in emulator of xcode



I had the same problem. I had to update my cordova to the latest (3.6.3) and my scrolling started working again.


I just ran across another issue that appears to break scrolling in iOS 8. I had been using bouncefix.js, but it appears that this library isn't compatible with the latest cordova and iOS 8. Simply commenting out this javascript library re-enabled scrolling in my app.

Prior to iOS 8, bouncefix.js worked pretty well and didn't cause any issues with scrolling.