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我们如何检测iOS 7上的控制中心?

更新时间:2023-02-03 09:56:35

我刚刚发布了一个小UIWindow子类这正是如此。您只需订阅NSNotification并可以对打开控制中心的用户做出反应。 Github上的详细说明和设置: AAWindow

I just published a little UIWindow subclass that does exactly that. You simply subscribe to an NSNotification and can react to the user opening Control Center. Detailed instructions and setup on Github: AAWindow.


The way this is accomplished is by using a combination of NSTimer and overwriting sendEvent in UIWindow to receive all touches without blocking them. So you basically receive all touches check if they are near the lower edge of the screen, if yes set a timer for a half a second and if during this timer is running applicationWillResignActive is called you can be almost certain that ControlCenter is opened. The time has to vary if there's no statusbar, because then the app is in fullscreen and it can take the user up to 3 seconds to launch Control Center.