
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-03 11:54:04


Okay, I've come across three issues.


Firstly: There's no layout manager on the image pane. No big deal, but if you're not going to use a layout manager, you become responsible for laying out any child components. I fixed this (and it's in the wrong place) by adding the following to the "myObjet" class.

Dimension size = getPreferredSize();
setBounds(0, 0, size.width, size.height);


This really should be taken care of by the JImagePanel - either add a layout manager or check the doLayout method.


Secondly: The JImagePanel is a heavy weight component. You should avoid mixing heavy and light weight components if you can (there are Z order issues amongst other things). I updated the JImagePanel to extend from a JPanel.


Thridly: You should only very rarely have to override the paint method. In your case I can understand why you did, but what you ended up doing was painting on the top of everything else (and mixed with the fact you were using a heavy weight component compounded the issue).


I changed the "paint" for "paintComponent" which paints the background and was able to get it to work nicely. I was able to move the image around and have the "myObjet" visible and static in place.



        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e) {
            transX += e.getX() - MouseX;
            transY += e.getY() - MouseY;
            MouseX = e.getX();
            MouseY = e.getY();

            // Add this to your code
            for (Component comp : getComponents()) {

                comp.setLocation(transX, transY);




In fact, a better solution would be to allow the parent container to handle the movement and set the image and objects statically with in the image pane (my pane was set to a static size). The basic idea you have running here just needs to be moved to the container.


The only other thing you would need to deal with is the Z order of the panes.