
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2022-04-17 16:22:33

子类不必有任何构造函数构造函数中的参数数量与超类相同,但 必须从其自己的构造函数中调用其某些超类'构造函数。

A subclass does not have to have any constructor with "the same number of parameters in the constructor as the superclass", but it does have to call some of its superclass' constructors from its own constructor.


If the superclass has a no-arg constructor, it is called by default if an explicit call to a superclass constructor is omitted or if the subclass has no explicit constructor at all (as is your case), but since your superclass does not have a no-arg constructor, compilation fails.

你可以在你的 EmptyList 中添加这样的东西:

You could add something like this to your EmptyList:

private EmptyList() {
    super(0, null);


It may also be a better idea to have an abstract superclass that both of your classes inherit from, instead, but that's a choice.