
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事

我如何... creae查询报告以显示每个员工的工作时间

更新时间:2023-02-05 12:36:09


  SELECT  InDevice.UserId 
,MIN(InDevice.LogDate) [ 时间]
,MAX(OutDevice.LogDate)[Out 时间]
CONVERT nvarchar 10 ),InDevice.LogDate, 20 )[日志日期]
,COUNT(InDevice.LogDate)[ IN 计数]
FROM DeviceLogs InDevice
LEFT OUTER JOIN DeviceLogs OutDevice ON InDevice.UserID = OutDevice.UserID
& OutDevice.DeviceID in 25 30 - 假设这些是用于打孔的唯一机器
WHERE InDevice.DeviceID 26 31 - 假设这些机器用于打孔
GROUP BY InDevice.UserId, CONVERT nvarchar 10 pan>),InDevice.LogDate, 20

Table Schema
DeviceLogId int
DeviceId    int
UserId      int
LogDate    datetime

Table data
DeviceLogId DeviceId UserId LogDate            
112            25    66     2015-07-22 11:02:15.000
332            25    66     2015-07-22 17:29:25.000
555            25    88     2015-07-23 19:09:35.000
779            25    67     2015-07-24 16:23:49.000
1003    29  17  2015-07-18 13:03:04.000

I want output like

Intime                  Outtime                logdate   Incount    OutCount
2015-01-01 10:22:29.000 2015-01-01 19:58:43.000 2015-01-01  7       7
2015-01-02 09:52:26.000 2015-01-02 20:25:25.000 2015-01-02  2       2

I want to display user
office intime and office outtime, number of time punch machine count...

select e.Intime,e.Outtime,e.logdate,e.Incount,e.OutCount from
     select a.intime as Intime,b.outtime as Outtime,c.logdate,c.InCount as Incount,d.OutCount as OutCount from

          select min(logdate) intime,cast(LogDate as date) logdate,userid
          from DeviceLogs  where deviceid in (26,31) and  cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
          group by cast(LogDate as date), UserId
      )a  inner join
          select max(logdate) outtime,cast(LogDate as date) logdate,userid from DeviceLogs
          where deviceid in (25,30) and   cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
          group by cast(LogDate as date), UserId
      ) b on a.logdate = b.logdate

      left join
       select UserId, cast(LogDate as date) logdate ,count(DeviceLogId) as InCount from DeviceLogs
        where deviceid in (26,31) and  cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
        Group by UserId, cast(LogDate as date)
       )c on b.logdate = c.logdate

       left join
       select UserId, cast(LogDate as date) logdate ,count(DeviceLogId) as OutCount from DeviceLogs
        where deviceid in (25,30) and  cast(LogDate as date) between '2015-01-01' and '2015-01-02' and UserId=7
        Group by UserId, cast(LogDate as date)
        )d on c.logdate = d.logdate


I have create query but its working for single user only... I want this result for all user of the system.

Basically I want to dispaly all employee intime,outime,number of machine input , and out put count.

Waiting for your reply
Thanks in advance.

Try this:

SELECT InDevice.UserId
    , MIN(InDevice.LogDate) [In Time]
    , MAX(OutDevice.LogDate) [Out Time]
    , CONVERT(nvarchar(10), InDevice.LogDate,20) [Log Date]
    , COUNT(InDevice.LogDate) [IN Count]
    , COUNT(OutDevice.LogDate) [OUT Count]
FROM DeviceLogs InDevice
LEFT OUTER JOIN DeviceLogs OutDevice ON InDevice.UserID = OutDevice.UserID
    AND OutDevice.DeviceID in (25,30) --given that these are the only machine that for Punching Out
WHERE InDevice.DeviceID in (26,31) --given that these machine for Punching In
GROUP BY InDevice.UserId, CONVERT(nvarchar(10), InDevice.LogDate,20)

