
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-06 15:56:38

虽然我认为 XMLWriter 最适合对于该任务(就像我的其他答案),如果你真的想用 SimpleXML 来做,方法如下:

Although I think XMLWriter is best suited for that task (like in my other answer), if you really want to do it with SimpleXML, here's how:

$fp = fopen('data.txt', 'r');

$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<allproperty></allproperty>');

while ($line = fgetcsv($fp)) {
   if (count($line) < 4) continue; // skip lines that aren't full

   $node = $xml->addChild('aproperty');
   $node->addChild('postcode', $line[0]);
   $node->addChild('price', $line[1]);
   $node->addChild('imagefilename', $line[2]);
   $node->addChild('visits', $line[3]);

echo $xml->saveXML();

您会注意到输出不是那么干净:这是因为 SimpleXML 不允许您自动缩进标签.

You will notice that the output is not as clean: it's because SimpleXML doesn't allow you to automatically indent tags.