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为什么节点顺序在 XML 中很重要?

更新时间:2023-02-06 22:13:09

节点顺序在 XML 中显然很重要,如下所示:

Node order obviously matters in XML like this:

   <span>This wouldn't make much sense</span>
   <span>if the order of these nodes were reversed.</span>

它在 XML 中不太明显,就像您提供的那样,它似乎是某种序列化格式.但是,如果属性设置顺序不正确,属性设置器有副作用的对象可能会失败.

It's less obvious in XML like what you provided, which appears to be some kind of serialization format. But objects whose property setters have side effects can fail if the properties aren't set in the right order.

想象一个具有私有 Person 字段的类,该字段公开 PersonIDName 属性.PersonID setter 创建 Person 的私有实例,Name setter 在私有 Name 属性上设置 Name代码>人员代码>字段.在这种情况下,在设置 PersonID 之前设置 Name 失败,因为 Person 尚不存在.

Imagine a class with a private Person field that exposes PersonID and Name properties. The PersonID setter creates the private instance of Person, and the Name setter sets the Name property on the private Person field. In this case, setting Name before you set PersonID fails, because Person doesn't exist yet.

在这种情况下,实现要求 PersonID 出现在 XML 中的 Name 之前的架构可以防止此错误发生,代价是迫使其他开发人员这样做看似荒谬的事情.

This is a case where implementing a schema that requires PersonID to appear before Name in the XML keeps this error from happening, at the cost of forcing other developers to do things that are apparently nonsensical.


Tthe obvious thing to do in situations like this is to find the developer who wrote that class and beat him. This is rarely possible, though it's interesting to contemplate a world in which it were.