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更新时间:2023-02-08 17:08:27

您需要使用参数而不是将sql语句连接在一起。以这种方式编写sql语句意味着我可以破解你的数据库并删除和/或窃取你的所有数据。它被称为Sql Injection,是一个花时间研究的好主题。


 SQLString =  选择Sum(Dr_Acc_Value)作为TotDR,Sum(Cr_Acc_Value)作为TotCr来自JV_QRY Where AccountNumber = @accountNumber和JV_Date< @jvDate和JV_Status = 1和JV_Del_Status = 0 Group By AccountNumber 
' 然后以这种方式添加参数
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( @accoutnNumber,txtAccountNumber.Text)
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue( @jvDate,jvDate)



除了上面的RyanDev解决方案之外, Format 返回一个字符串,所以你应该收到一个错误

 DatFrom =格式(DatFrom,yyyy-MM-dd)





您还应该考虑使用 Date.TryParse()而不是 CDate (尽管在这种情况下,因为您使用过那么MaskedTextBox可能没关系)。

以下是我修复Sub的方法 - 它显示了在SqlDataAdaptor上使用参数化查询的另一种方法

 私有  Sub  GetOpenBalance()
Dim totalDr,totalCr As Double
Dim datFrom As 日期
Dim bal As DataTable

如果 Date .TryParse(MaskedTextBox1.Text,datFrom))然后

SQLString = an> 选择Sum(Dr_Acc_Value)作为TotDR,Sum(Cr_Acc_Value)As TotCr来自JV_QRY其中AccountNumber = @ tb1和JV_Date< @DatFrom和JV_Status = 1和JV_Del_Status = 0 Group By AccountNumber

Dim cmd 作为 SqlCommand(SQLString,conn)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( @ tb1,TextBox1.Text)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue( @ DatFrom,datFrom.ToString( yyyy-MM -dd))

Dim Adpt As SqlDataAdapter()
Adpt.SelectCommand = cmd


conn.Close ()
对于 每个 As DataRow bal.Rows
totalDr = CDbl (行( 0 ))
totalCr = CDbl (行( 1 ))
OP_Balance = totalDr - totalCr
结束 如果

结束 Sub

I am creating an query using SQL server 2012 and vb.net 2015 to retrieve information for less than a date . When i am running the query i got an error Of "Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string"

What is my mistake?

Thanks in advance.

What I have tried:

Private Sub GetOpenBalance()
        Dim TotalDr, TotalCr As New Double
        Dim DatFrom As New Date
        Dim Bal As New DataTable

        DatFrom = CDate(Me.MaskedTextBox1.Text)
        DatFrom = Format(DatFrom, "yyyy-MM-dd")
        SQLString = "Select Sum(Dr_Acc_Value) As TotDR,Sum(Cr_Acc_Value) As TotCr From JV_QRY Where AccountNumber = '" & Me.TextBox1.Text & "' And JV_Date < '" & DatFrom & "' And JV_Status = 1 And JV_Del_Status = 0 Group By AccountNumber"
        Dim Adpt As New SqlDataAdapter(SQLString, conn)

        For Each row As DataRow In Bal.Rows
            TotalDr = row(0)
            TotalCr = row(1)
        OP_Balance = TotalDr - TotalCr

    End Sub

You need to use parameters instead of concatenating your sql statement together. Writing your sql statement the way it is means I can hack your db and delete and/or steal all your data. It's called Sql Injection and is a good topic to spend some time researching.

So, instead do something like this:
SQLString = "Select Sum(Dr_Acc_Value) As TotDR,Sum(Cr_Acc_Value) As TotCr From JV_QRY Where AccountNumber = @accountNumber And JV_Date < @jvDate And JV_Status = 1 And JV_Del_Status = 0 Group By AccountNumber"
' Then add the parameters this way
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@accoutnNumber", txtAccountNumber.Text)
da.UpdateCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@jvDate", jvDate)

Also, make sure you're actually passing a date. The error says that it couldn't convert whatever you passed into a date.

Lastly, use meaningful names for your controls so you know what they are. Never used textbox1. Always use something like txtAccountNumber, etc.

Further to RyanDev's solution above, Format returns a string so you should be getting an error with
DatFrom = Format(DatFrom, "yyyy-MM-dd")

because DatFrom is a date.
You can use


to format the date as a string.

You should also consider using Date.TryParse() rather than CDate (although in this case as you have used a MaskedTextBox then it probably doesn't matter).

Here is how I fixed your Sub - it shows an alternative way of using parameterised queries on a SqlDataAdaptor

Private Sub GetOpenBalance()
    Dim totalDr, totalCr As New Double
    Dim datFrom As New Date
    Dim bal As New DataTable

    If (Date.TryParse(MaskedTextBox1.Text, datFrom)) Then

        SQLString = "Select Sum(Dr_Acc_Value) As TotDR,Sum(Cr_Acc_Value) As TotCr From JV_QRY Where AccountNumber = @tb1 And JV_Date < @DatFrom And JV_Status = 1 And JV_Del_Status = 0 Group By AccountNumber"

        Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(SQLString, conn)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@tb1", TextBox1.Text)
        cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@DatFrom", datFrom.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"))

        Dim Adpt As New SqlDataAdapter()
        Adpt.SelectCommand = cmd


        For Each row As DataRow In bal.Rows
            totalDr = CDbl(row(0))
            totalCr = CDbl(row(1))
        OP_Balance = totalDr - totalCr
    End If

End Sub