
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-08 21:38:22


First of all, you do not have to split the signing process like you do. I've seen a lot of questions in which the developers want to do this, but strictly speaking it is not necessary (well, under the hood iText still will first create a prepared PDF and later inject the signature container, but it can be kept under the hood).


Splitting the process only is necessary if the external signing service takes very long to create the signature and you cannot keep the PDF in memory for that time.


I'll look into both variants here.


If your external signing service returns the result (a full PKCS#7 signature container) fast enough, you should use this approach. The base code starts similar to yours:

PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(new PdfReader("example.pdf"), new FileStream("example-signed.pdf", FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties().UseAppendMode());

PdfSignatureAppearance sigAppearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();
    .SetPageRect(new Rectangle(144, 144, 200, 100))
    .SetContact("This is contact")
    .SetReason("This is reason")
    .SetLocation("This is location")
    .SetSignatureCreator("This is signature creator");

ExternalServiceSignatureContainer container = new ExternalServiceSignatureContainer();

signer.SignExternalContainer(container, 8192);

与您的代码的不同之处在于 IExternalSignatureContainer 实现:

The difference to your code is in the IExternalSignatureContainer implementation:

public class ExternalServiceSignatureContainer : IExternalSignatureContainer
    public void ModifySigningDictionary(PdfDictionary signDic)
        signDic.Put(PdfName.Filter, PdfName.Adobe_PPKLite);
        signDic.Put(PdfName.SubFilter, PdfName.Adbe_pkcs7_detached);

    public byte[] Sign(Stream data)
        // Call your external signing service to create a CMS signature container
        // for the data in the InputStream and return that signature container

        [... see below ...]

根据您的API访问该外部签名服务, Sign 的实现有所不同.在每种情况下,我都假定API_CALL以字节数组的形式返回结果PKCS#7签名容器:

Depending on your API to access that external signing service the implementation of Sign differs. In each case I assume the API_CALL to return the result PKCS#7 signature container as byte array:

  • 您也许可以直接在流中调用它

  • You may either be able to directly call it with the stream


  • 或带有从流内容生成的byte []

  • or with a byte[] generated from the stream contents

    return YOUR_SIGNING_API_CALL_FOR_ARRAY(StreamUtil.InputStreamToArray(data));



    or you may first have to hash the data yourself (e.g. as follows) and send your hash to the service.

    byte[] hash = DigestAlgorithms.Digest(data, DigestAlgorithms.SHA256);

  • signer 的输出已经是最终的,经过签名的PDF.

    The output of the signer already is the finalized, signed PDF.


    This essentially is the case already discussed in this answer.


    If your external signing service does not return the result (a full PKCS#7 signature container) fast enough (e.g. in case of batch signature APIs or in case of services waiting for some confirmation for a long time if necessary) or if on your side you implement the part before calling the signing service and the part thereafter in separate programs (some people indeed do so), you can use this approach.


    Again the base code starts similar to yours:

    PdfSigner signer = new PdfSigner(new PdfReader("example.pdf"), new FileStream("example-prepared.pdf", FileMode.Create), new StampingProperties().UseAppendMode());
    PdfSignatureAppearance sigAppearance = signer.GetSignatureAppearance();
        .SetPageRect(new Rectangle(144, 144, 200, 100))
        .SetContact("This is contact")
        .SetReason("This is reason")
        .SetLocation("This is location")
        .SetSignatureCreator("This is signature creator");
    ExternalEmptySignatureContainer container = new ExternalEmptySignatureContainer();
    signer.SignExternalContainer(container, 8192);
    byte[] dataToSign = container.Data;

    ExternalEmptySignatureContainer 现在仅提供稍后由签名服务签名的数据,它尚未注入签名容器

    The ExternalEmptySignatureContainer now only provides the data to sign by the signing service later, it does not inject a signature container yet

    public class ExternalEmptySignatureContainer : IExternalSignatureContainer
        public void ModifySigningDictionary(PdfDictionary signDic)
            signDic.Put(PdfName.Filter, PdfName.Adobe_PPKLite);
            signDic.Put(PdfName.SubFilter, PdfName.Adbe_pkcs7_detached);
        public byte[] Sign(Stream data)
            // Store the data to sign and return an empty array
            [... see below ...]
            return new byte[0];
        public byte[] Data;

    根据您的API来访问该外部签名服务, Sign 的实现有所不同.

    Depending on your API to access that external signing service the implementation of Sign differs.

    • 如果您的签名API需要原始数据进行签名,请使用从流内容生成的byte [].

    • If your signing API expects the original data for signing, use a byte[] generated from the stream contents

    Data = StreamUtil.InputStreamToArray(data);

  • 如果您的签名API期望原始数据的哈希值用于签名,请从流内容中像这样计算它

  • If your signing API expects the a hash of the original data for signing, calculate it like this from the stream contents

    Data = DigestAlgorithms.Digest(data, DigestAlgorithms.SHA256);

  • 签名者的输出是中间的,准备好的PDF.

    The output of the signer is the intermediary, prepared PDF.


    The next step is to call the signing service and to retrieve the PKCS#7 signature container:

    byte[] signature = YOUR_SIGNING_API_CALL(dataToSign);


    Finally you inject that signature container into the prepared PDF:

    PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader("example-prepared.pdf"));
    using (Stream output = new FileStream("example-prepared-signed.pdf", FileMode.Create))
        ExternalInjectingSignatureContainer container2 = new ExternalInjectingSignatureContainer(signature);
        PdfSigner.SignDeferred(document, "Signature1", output, container2);

    IExternalSignatureContainer 实现仅注入签名字节:

    The IExternalSignatureContainer implementation merely injects the signature bytes:

    public class ExternalInjectingSignatureContainer : IExternalSignatureContainer
        public ExternalInjectingSignatureContainer(byte[] signature)
            Signature = signature;
        public void ModifySigningDictionary(PdfDictionary signDic)
        public byte[] Sign(Stream data)
            return Signature;
        public byte[] Signature;


    The output is the finalized, signed PDF.