
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-08 21:38:16

我不确定8080是否设计用于具有共享RAM的多CPU系统,但这不一定意味着不可能或不存在8080.这样的系统. 8086锁前缀用于此类系统,以确保在执行一系列内存读取,值修改,内存写入(RMW)的过程中,只有一个CPU可以独占访问内存.锁前缀不存在,可以防止一条指令或一些指令被中断处理程序抢占.

I'm not sure the 8080 was designed to be used in multi-CPU systems with shared RAM, which, however doesn't necessarily imply impossibility or nonexistence of such systems. The 8086 lock prefix is for such systems to ensure just one CPU can have exclusive access to memory while executing a sequence of memory read, value modification, memory write (RMW). The lock prefix isn't there to guard an instruction or a few instructions from being preempted by an interrupt handler.


You can be sure that individual instructions don't somehow get interrupted in mid-flight. Either they're let to run until completion or any of their side effects are reverted and they are restarted at a later time. That's a common implementation on most CPUs. Without it it would be hard to write well behaving code in presence of interrupts.


Indeed, you cannot perform a 64-bit addition with a single 8080 instruction, so, that operation can be preempted by the ISR.


If you don't want that preemption at all, you can guard your 64-bit add with interrupt disable and enable instructions (DI and EI).


If you want to let the ISR preempt the 64-bit but without disturbing the registers that the 64-bit add uses, the ISR must save and restore those registers by e.g. using the PUSH and POP instructions.


Find a 8080 manual for detailed description of interrupt handling (e.g. here).