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如何使用 Python 从字符串中删除字符

更新时间:2023-02-09 13:35:18

在 Python 中,字符串是不可变的,因此您必须创建一个新字符串.您有几个关于如何创建新字符串的选项.如果您想删除出现在任何地方的M":

In Python, strings are immutable, so you have to create a new string. You have a few options of how to create the new string. If you want to remove the 'M' wherever it appears:

newstr = oldstr.replace("M", "")


midlen = len(oldstr) // 2
newstr = oldstr[:midlen] + oldstr[midlen+1:]

您询问字符串是否以特殊字符结尾.不,您像 C 程序员一样思考.在 Python 中,字符串是与其长度一起存储,因此任何字节值,包括 \0,可以出现在字符串中.

You asked if strings end with a special character. No, you are thinking like a C programmer. In Python, strings are stored with their length, so any byte value, including \0, can appear in a string.