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更新时间:2023-02-09 14:18:51


  interface ITypeSerializer {} 
接口ITypeSerializer< T> :ITypeSerializer {} $ b $ class StringSerializer:ITypeSerializer< string> {} //实现ITypeSerializer,也是

ITypeSerializer [] serializers = ...
$ p $ >

ITypeSerializer 上需要的任何方法应接受或返回 object ,实现通常是通用版本的传递方法。


  public interface ITypeSerializer 
void Write(BinaryWriter writer,object obj);
对象读取(BinaryReader reader);

public interface ITypeSerializer< T> :ITypeSerializer
void Write(BinaryWriter writer,T obj);
T读取(BinaryReader reader);

当您执行 ITypeSerializer< T> $ c>,您还需要为 ITypeSerializer 方法提供实现。一个常见的模式是隐式地实现泛型和非泛型泛型,这样非泛型方法仅在通过接口引用类时才可见。

  class StringSerializer:ITypeSerializer< string> 
// ITypeSerializer的隐式实现< string>
public void Write(BinaryWriter writer,string obj)

public string Read(BinaryReader reader)

// ITypeSerializer的显式实现
void ITypeSerializer.Write(BinaryWriter writer,object obj)
if(!(obj is string))throw new ArgumentException(obj);


object ITypeSerializer.Read(BinaryReader reader)
return this.Read(reader);


I am a Java guy, and trying to implement some code in C#. I did a research for an hour but couldn't find any. I have an interface that I declared as Generic called

interface TypeSerializer<T>

Then I have two implementation of this.

class StringSerializer: TypeSerializer<String> 


class ByteArraySerializer: TypeSerializer<byte[]> 

Now I want to create an array with these instances and refer to array as TypeSerializer. Sth like this:

TypeSerializer[] serializers = 
new TypeSerializer[2] {new ByteArraySerializer(), new StringSerializer()};

This code doesn't compile, however in Java a similar code does compile.

I also tried sth

TypeSerializer<Object>[] serializers = 
new TypeSerializer<Object>[2] {new ByteArraySerializer(), new StringSerializer()};

still no way.

How should I declare this array and reach to the instances without knowing the Generic Type.


Based on the answers below it becomes clear that I should have two interfaces; with and without generic. Here is the Interface methods. Could you please show also how to implement them.

public interface ITypeSerializer<T>:TypeSerializer
    void write(BinaryWriter writer, T obj);
    T read(BinaryReader reader);

You can create a non-generic version of the interface that the generic version inherits, which forces the implementations to the classes as usual.

interface ITypeSerializer { }
interface ITypeSerializer<T> : ITypeSerializer { }
class StringSerializer : ITypeSerializer<string> { } // implements ITypeSerializer, too 

// non-generic array
ITypeSerializer[] serializers = ...

Any method that you need on ITypeSerializer should either accept or return object, with the implementations typically being pass-through methods for the generic versions.

An implementation example:

public interface ITypeSerializer
    void Write(BinaryWriter writer, object obj);
    object Read(BinaryReader reader);

public interface ITypeSerializer<T> : ITypeSerializer
    void Write(BinaryWriter writer, T obj); 
    T Read(BinaryReader reader);

When you implement ITypeSerializer<T>, you also need to provide implementations for the ITypeSerializer methods. A common pattern is to implement the generic implicitly and the non-generic explicitly, so that the non-generic methods are only visible when referring to the class via the interface.

class StringSerializer : ITypeSerializer<string>
    // implicit implementation of ITypeSerializer<string>
    public void Write(BinaryWriter writer, string obj)
        // provide core implementation here

    public string Read(BinaryReader reader)
        // provide core implementation here

    // explicit implementation of ITypeSerializer
    void ITypeSerializer.Write(BinaryWriter writer, object obj)
        if (!(obj is string)) throw new ArgumentException("obj");

        this.Write(writer, (string)obj);

    object ITypeSerializer.Read(BinaryReader reader)
        return this.Read(reader);

Notice how the non-generic methods are simply passing to/from the generic counterparts.