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从 C# 中的通用对象获取属性

更新时间:2023-02-09 15:16:17

Oded 是对的,(对他或我而言)尝试使此方法通用似乎没有任何意义.您正在尝试泛化一个方法,该方法的功能实际上特定于几种类型.

Oded is right, it doesn't seem (to him or me) to make any sense to try and make this method generic. You are trying to genericize a method whose functionality is actually specific to a few types.

现在,这就是说,函数的 bulk 似乎与您要访问的这个属性无关.那么为什么不把它分成两部分:可以泛化的部分和不能泛化的部分:

Now, that said, it seems the bulk of the function is independent of this property you want to access. So why not split it into two parts: that which can be genericized, and that which can't:


void BindElements<T, TProperty>(IEnumerable<T> dataObjects,
                                Func<T, TProperty> selector)
    Paragraph para = new Paragraph();

    foreach (T item in dataObjects)
       // Notice: by delegating the only type-specific aspect of this method
       // (the property) to (fittingly enough) a delegate, we are able to 
       // package MOST of the code in a reusable form.
       var property = selector(item);

       InlineUIContainer uiContainer = this.CreateElementContainer(property)

    FlowDocument flowDoc = new FlowDocument(para);
    this.Document = flowDoc;


Then your overloads dealing with specific types, e.g., IPerson, can reuse this code (which I suspect may be what you were after all along—code reuse):

public void BindPeople(IEnumerable<IPerson> people)
    BindElements(people, p => p.FirstName);

...然后对于 IOrder:

public void BindOrders(IEnumerable<IOrder> orders)
    BindElements(orders, o => p.OrderNumber);
