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更新时间:2023-02-10 13:12:46


You are mistakenly assuming that the last commmand in a for loop is meaningful. It is not. In fact, it is being discarded, so since you never assigned it anywhere (the cbind and the indexing of WaFramesNumeric...), it is silently discarded.


Additionally, you are over-indexing your data.frame in the third code block. First, it's using i within the data.frame, even though i is an index within the list of data.frames, not the frame itself. Second (perhaps caused by this), you are trying to index three dimensions of a 2D frame. Just change the last indexing from [,i,combine] to either [,combine] or [combine].


Third problem (though perhaps not seen yet) is that match will return NA if nothing is found. Indexing a frame with an NA returns an error (try mtcars[,NA] to see). I suggest that you can replace match with grep: it returns integer(0) when nothing is found, which is what you want in this case.

for (i in seq_along(WaFramesNumeric)) {
  f <- which(sapply(WaFramesNumeric[[i]], is.numeric))
  m <- grep("Cost_Center", colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
  n <- grep("Device_Name", colnames(WaFramesNumeric[[i]]))
  combine <- c(f,m,n)
  WaFramesNumeric[[i]] <- WaFramesNumeric[[i]][combine]