
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-10 19:33:18



调试器 - ***,免费的百科全书 [ ^ ]

在Visual Studio 2010中进行调试 - 初学者指南 [ ^ ]


Use the debugger.
The debugger allow you to follow the execution line by line, inspect variables and you will see that there is a point where it stop doing what you expect.
Debugger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[^]
Mastering Debugging in Visual Studio 2010 - A Beginner's Guide[^]

With the debugger, make sure what the code really do match what you think it should.

Try to reduce the code to just enough to exhibit the problem.



似乎没有代码可以处理减法操作。当解析器遇到' - '字符时会发生什么?它将它视为数字并减去48,这将是-3!

您传递值[value_size] 到你的评估函数,在那里用作 num1 。但是在调用函数时,该数组成员未初始化。之后将使用返回值进行初始化。为数组项分配值后,您将递增索引,使其指向下一个尚未初始化的项。
I have no final solution because it would be too hard to follow the program execution by just examining the code. But I have a few tips:

Don't use global variables. Use local variables in your functions. This makes it much easier to read and debug the code.

It seems that there is no code that handles the subtraction operation. What happens when your parser encounters the '-' character? It treats it as digit and subtracts 48 which will be -3!

You are passing values[value_size] to your evaluate function which is used there as num1. But that array member is not initialised when calling the function. It will be initialised with the return value afterwards. Once you have assigned a value to an array item, you are incrementing the index so that it points to the next not yet initialised item.