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安装.NET Core 2.0后Resharper xUnit测试不起作用

更新时间:2023-02-11 08:03:46


It seems we need to wait for a Resharper update (I've encountered exactly the same error).

与此同时,您可以从Visual Studio运行程序运行测试-似乎工作正常。

Meanwhile, you can run your tests from the Visual Studio runner - it seems to be working fine.


您还可以尝试安装Resharper 2017.2的早期版本( https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/eap/ ),如果您感到冒险;)我刚刚检查过,它可以正常工作罚款(自EAP 2017.2 12起)使用nUnit,xUnit和MSTest测试。

You can also try installing the early version of the Resharper 2017.2 (https://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/eap/) if you feel adventurous ;) I've just checked and it works fine (as of EAP 2017.2 12) with nUnit, xUnit and MSTest tests.