
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-12 11:01:54


这也是很好用不同的命名约定。例如,而不是LogsController的,使用LogsCtrl。 AngularJS追加控制器内部和你可能最终,在异国情调的情况下,处理像LogsControllerController的名字。


  VAR ListLogsModule = angular.module(对myApp,[]);ListLogsModule.factory('ListLogsSrv',函数($ HTTP){
    VAR的getData =功能(){
        返回哎; //物品;
    };    //然后返回。
    $ scope.w =世界;
    $ scope.logs = ListLogsSrv.getData();

您也可以在工厂的 $ HTTP 请求。这意味着,当你实例化的服务,你会触发异步请求(当它被用于第一次),所以没有人会等待它完成,你会得到未定义


  VAR承诺= $ q.defer();
变种thisPageNumber = 1;
VAR的baseUrl ='../Api/LogApi/GetLogsByPage';
答应= $ http.get(...



I am new to Angular. I have a simple web page, but the codes for controller are not working. It seems I do not call or inject service "ListLogsFactory" in the controller properly. Please help. Thank you.

My codes include a module, service, and controller that all declared/defined as follows:

    var myApp = angular.module("ListLogsModule", []);

    myApp.factory('ListLogsFactory', function ($http) {
            var thisPageNumber = 1;
            var thisPageSize = 10;
            var baseUrl = '../Api/LogApi/GetLogsByPage';

            var items = {};

                method: 'GET',
                url: baseUrl,
                data: $.param({ pageNumber: thisPageNumber, pageSize: thisPageSize })
            .success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                items = data;
            .error(function (data, status, headers, config) {
                alert('error: ' + status);

            function getData() {
                return items;

    // The error is seen in FireFox and happens in the controller code:
    myApp.controllers.ListLogsController = function ($scope, ListLogsFactory) {
       $scope.logs = ListLogsFactory.getData(); // NOTE: this line throws error on running with something like "ListLogsFactory" is undefined

When you use factory you have to return something. You're just defining a bunch of methods there but they aren't available to anybody.

It's also good to use a different naming convention. For example, instead of LogsController, use LogsCtrl. AngularJS appends "Controller" internally and you might end up, in exotic situations, handling names like "LogsControllerController".

A simplified approach of using factory and returning the service:

var ListLogsModule = angular.module("myApp", []);

ListLogsModule.factory('ListLogsSrv', function ($http) {
    // first define the service (you're using a factory)
    var getData = function() {
        return "hey";//items;

    // then return it.
    // offer a public method "getData" that uses your internal getData()
    return {
        getData : getData

ListLogsModule.controller("ListLogsCtrl", function ($scope, ListLogsSrv) {
    $scope.w = "world";
    $scope.logs = ListLogsSrv.getData(); 

You also have an $http request in the factory. That means that you'll trigger the async request when you instantiate the service (when it is used for the first time), so nobody will wait for it to finish and you'll be getting undefined. If you are using this service in a controller, you will probably need to resolve a promise.

An example of using a promise:

var promise = $q.defer();
var thisPageNumber = 1;
var baseUrl = '../Api/LogApi/GetLogsByPage';
promise = $http.get(...

Now you can use this promise in the controller, for example, or in the methods of your service.

I answered a related question two days ago Angular Service Defination: server or factory