
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-12 19:15:06


I'd prefer to store replacements as key-value pairs in an object or as an array of pairs. Regardless of the format, you can dynamically create a regex by joining the values you want to replace using | alternation. Then give replace a callback function and use its match parameter as a key to look up its corresponding pair in the swaps object.

const s = "I am Java";
const swaps = {am: "love", Java: "JS"};
const pattern = new RegExp(Object.keys(swaps).join("|"), "g");
console.log(s.replace(pattern, m => swaps[m]));


To handle case-insensitive replacements, ensure all keys in swaps are lowercase (either programmatically or manually, depending on usage) and lowercase the matches before keying in:

const s = "I am Java";
const swaps = {am: "love", java: "JS"};
const pattern = new RegExp(Object.keys(swaps).join("|"), "gi");
console.log(s.replace(pattern, m => swaps[m.toLowerCase()]));