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Python 的模式匹配性能如何?是 O(1) 吗?

更新时间:2023-02-13 21:07:31


In terms of time complexity alone, the two constructs are basically equivalent.


They're very different, though, when considering readability and code structure. As a general rule, if you're matching values or testing several subjects, an if-elif-else ladder will probably be the best tool for the job:

def stringify_response(response: int) -> str:
    if 100 <= response < 200:
        kind = "info"
    elif 200 <= response < 300:
        kind = "success"
    elif 300 <= response < 400:
        kind = "redirect"
    elif 400 <= response < 500:
        kind = "client error"
    elif 500 <= response < 600:
        kind = "server error"
        kind = "unexpected response"
    return f"{kind} ({response})"


On the other hand, if you're matching the structure of a single subject, then structural pattern matching will probably be the best tool for the job:

from ast import *

def lint_function_def(function_def: FunctionDef) -> None:
    match function_def.body:
        case *_, Assign([Name(na)], e), Return(Name(nr, lineno=l)) if na == nr:
            print(f"line {l}: consider returning {unparse(e)} instead of "
                  f"assigning to {na!r} on line {e.lineno}")



Future Improvements

With that said, one of the benefits of syntactical support for pattern matching is that the compiler and interpreter possess an extraordinary knowledge of context. Because of this, they can make assumptions that ordinary control flow cannot.

考虑来自 PEP 636 的声明(稍微简化):

Consider this statement (slightly simplified) from PEP 636:

match command.split():
    case ["north"] | ["go", "north"]:
        # Code for moving north.
    case ["get", obj] | ["pick", "up", obj] | ["pick", obj, "up"]:
        # Code for picking up the given object.

当前"(CPython 3.10) 模式编译器非常幼稚,将其编译为如下所示:

The "current" (CPython 3.10) pattern compiler is quite naive, and compiles it to something like this:

_subject = command.split()
import _collections_abc
if (
    isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence)
    and len(_subject) == 1
    and _subject[0] == "north"
    # Code for moving north.
elif (
    isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence)
    and len(_subject) == 2
    and _subject[0] == "go"
    and _subject[1] == "north"
    # Code for moving north.
elif (
    isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence)
    and len(_subject) == 2
    and _subject[0] == "get"
    obj = _subject[1]
    # Code for picking up the given object.
elif (
    isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence)
    and len(_subject) == 3
    and _subject[0] == "pick"
    and _subject[1] == "up"
    obj = _subject[2]
    # Code for picking up the given object.
elif (
    isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence)
    and len(_subject) == 3
    and _subject[0] == "pick"
    and _subject[2] == "up"
    obj = _subject[1]
    # Code for picking up the given object.

尽管这个例子很简单,但生成的代码充满了冗余检查.匹配命令 pick Spam up" 检查 isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence) 五次,调用 len(_subject) 五次,并检查 _subject[0] == "pick" 两次!

Even though this example is quite simple, the generated code is full of redundant checks. Matching the command "pick Spam up" checks isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence) five times, calls len(_subject) five times, and checks _subject[0] == "pick" twice!


However, it's entirely possible for the compiler to generate more efficient "decision trees" instead, where no unnecessary work is performed. Here's what that might look like:

_subject = command.split()
import _collections_abc
if isinstance(_subject, _collections_abc.Sequence):
    _len_subject = len(_subject)
    if _len_subject == 1:
        if _subject[0] == "north":
            # Code for moving north.
    elif _len_subject == 2:
        _subject_0 = _subject[0]
        if _subject_0 == "go":
            if _subject[1] == "north":
                # Code for moving north.
        elif _subject_0 == "get":
            obj = _subject[1]
            # Code for picking up the given object.
    elif _len_subject == 3:
        if _subject[0] == "pick":
            _subject_1 = _subject[1]
            if _subject_1 == "up":
                obj = _subject[2]
                # Code for picking up the given object.
            elif _subject[2] == "up":
                obj = _subject_1
                # Code for picking up the given object.

当你有守卫或嵌套模式时,它开始变得更加复杂……但我希望我们能够在 CPython 3.11 中加入这样的东西!

It starts getting more complicated when you have guards or nested patterns... but I'm hopeful that we'll be able to get something like this into CPython 3.11!