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使用C#从Windows Phone的列表框中删除所选项目

更新时间:2023-02-13 21:20:31


lstNews.Items is list of object that are displayed on the page. So this lstNews.Items is collection of your datatemplate so that is why when you tried lstNews.Items.Remove(lstNews.SelectedItem.ToString()) than this fails.


you should use lstNews.Items.Remove(lstNews.SelectedItem) to delete item.

但是为了***实践,***从源中而不是从列表中删除项目.即您应该从fulllist中删除项目,然后将其重新分配为lstNews.ItemsSource = fulllist;

But for best practice it is prefered to delete item from the source not from the list. i.e. You should delete item from fulllist and reassign it as lstNews.ItemsSource = fulllist;


  1. fulllist应该是 ObservableCollection ,以便对数据所做的所有更改都可以反映到UI. 将List转换为ObservableCollection可以使用以下代码:

  1. fulllist should be a type of ObservableCollection so that all the changes done on data can be reflected to UI. To convert List to ObservableCollection Following code can be used:

fulllist = new ObservableCollection<NewsData>(new nList());

  • 添加用于从fulllist删除数据的实现,可能的实现可能是:

  • Add the implementation for deleting data from fulllist a possible implementation could be:

    object obj = lstNews.SelectedItem;
    if(obj is NewsData){
        lstNews.ItemsSource = fulllist;