
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-14 19:13:42


Using a key that is unique per-document is a good way to ensure even distribution to support high performance - so that makes the full product id a great choice. I don't believe you would gain any advantage from using a substring of a full guid as a partition key - and you would be limiting your maximum number of usable partitions.


So why not always use a unique identifier as the partition key?


First, if you add a partition key to a query, you do not need to enable cross-partition query and you will have a lower overall query cost (RU/s). So if you can design your partition key to reduce your need for cross-partition queries it could save RU/s. I don't think a 'substring of a guid' helps you there, because the random nature of the guid would not distribute documents in a way you could take advantage of for efficient querying.


Second, only documents with the same partition key are guaranteed to all be available on the same partition if you need to involve them in a transactional stored procedure. A 'substring of a guid' also doesn't help with this case.


I almost always use 'identifier' based partition keys such as your product id. This doesn't always correspond to the 'id' of the document itself. Sometimes I have multiple documents with content related to the same thing. For example, if I have some product information synced from another system, that sync job can be most efficient if it uses upsert - but due to current lack of partial update support in CosmosDB (see user voice) the whole document needs to be upserted. So in this case I have one document for the synced information, and a separate document for other information. This could look something like:

  "id": "12345:myinfo",
  "id": "12345:vendorsync",


Here the product id is the partition key, and I have a couple of different documents related to that product that I know will reside on the same partition so I can query them efficiently or involve them in a transaction.


I have also used this pattern when implementing a revision system, so that all revisions of the same logical document are guaranteed to be placed on the same partition. In that case the document has a "documentid" that is the same for all revisions, and the actual "id" of the document is the document id with the revision number added.

如果还没有的话,还请在这里查看分区设计": https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/partition-data

Please also review 'Design for Partitioning' here if you haven't already: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/cosmos-db/partition-data