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更新时间:2023-02-15 13:39:26

如果复选框已选中,则只应调用插入,即为True ...

 DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ch1 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell(); 
ch1 =(DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)DGv_Session.Rows [i] .Cells [1];
if(ch1.Value!= null&& bool.Parse(ch1.Value.ToString())== true)


  private   bool  IsTrue(DataGridViewCell cb)
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell tcb =(DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)cb;
bool bRet = false ;
if (tcb.Value!= null && bool .Parse(tcb.Value.ToString())== true
bRet = 真跨度>;
return bRet;


 if(IsTrue(DGv_Session [1,i])&& IsTrue(DGv_Session [2,i])&& IsTrue(DGv_Session [3,i])&& IsTrue(DGv_Session [4, I]))

validating checkbox which are not checked in the datagridview those record should not be save in the database.

Save code as follows;

for (int i = 0; i < DGv_Session.RowCount; i++)
                   if (DGv_Session[1, i].Value != null && DGv_Session[1, i].Value != "" && DGv_Session[2, i].Value != null && DGv_Session[2, i].Value != "" && DGv_Session[3, i].Value != null && DGv_Session[3, i].Value != "" && DGv_Session[4, i].Value != null && DGv_Session[4, i].Value != "")
                       sql = "insert into Tb_Session_Structure ([Cmn_Minor_code],[Days],[Session1],[Session2],[Session3],[Session4])";

                       sql = sql + " values('" + cb_Course_Code.Text + "',
 '" + DGv_Session.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString() + "',
 " + (Convert.ToBoolean(DGv_Session[1, i].Value) == true).ToString() + ",
 " + (Convert.ToBoolean(DGv_Session[2, i].Value) == true).ToString() + ",
 " + (Convert.ToBoolean(DGv_Session[3, i].Value) == true).ToString() + ",
 " + (Convert.ToBoolean(DGv_Session[4, i].Value) == true).ToString() + ")";
                       GFun.Error = "";
                       if (GFun.Error.ToString() != "")
                           MessageBox.Show(GFun.Error.ToString(), "Error");
               catch (Exception ex)
                   MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), "Error");

I am validating check box which are not checked in the datagridview that value not to be saved in the database.

Days 1 2
1 checkboxunchecked checkboxunchecked
2 checkboxchecked checkboxchecked

after enters the above records into the database and click the save button.

In the database records show as follows;

Days 1 2
1 checkboxunchecked checkboxunchecked
2 checkboxchecked checkboxchecked

but i want which checkbox which which are not checked in the datagridview do not be saved in the database.

I want the final output as follows after made entries and click the save button records in the database as follows;

Final ouput as follows;
Days 1 2
2 checkboxchecked checkboxchecked

You should only call the insert if the checkbox is checked i.e. is True ...
DataGridViewCheckBoxCell ch1 = new DataGridViewCheckBoxCell();
ch1 = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)DGv_Session.Rows[i].Cells[1];
                if(ch1.Value != null && bool.Parse(ch1.Value.ToString()) == true)

Personally I would add a little helper function

private bool IsTrue(DataGridViewCell cb)
    DataGridViewCheckBoxCell tcb = (DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)cb;
    bool bRet = false;
    if (tcb.Value != null && bool.Parse(tcb.Value.ToString()) == true)
        bRet = true;
    return bRet;

which would make your rather large if statement easier to read...

if (IsTrue(DGv_Session[1, i]) && IsTrue(DGv_Session[2, i]) && IsTrue(DGv_Session[3, i]) && IsTrue(DGv_Session[4, i]))