
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2021-09-20 04:27:02


<textarea> components are treated as static by the Vue renderer, thus after they are put into the DOM, they don't change at all (so that's why if you inspect the DOM you'll see <slot></slot> inside your <textarea>).

但是即使改变了,也无济于事.只是因为<textarea>中的HTML元素没有成为它们的值.您必须设置 TextArea元素的value属性使它正常工作.

But even it if they did change, that wouldn't help much. Just because HTML elements inside <textarea>s don't become their value. You have to set the value property of the TextArea element to make it work.


Anyway, don't despair. It is doable, all you need to overcome the issues above is to bring a small helper component into play.


There are many possible ways to achieve this, two shown below. They differ basically in how you would want your original component's template to be.


Your component's template would now become:


如您所见,除了用<textarea-slot>替换<textarea>外,什么都没有改变.这足以克服Vue对<textarea>进行的静态处理. <textarea-slot>的完整实现在下面的演示中.

As you can see, nothing but replacing <textarea> with <textarea-slot> changed. This is enough to overcome the static treatment Vue gives to <textarea>. The full implementation of <textarea-slot> is in the demo below.


The solution is to create a helper component (named vnode-to-html below) that would convert your slot's VNodes into HTML strings. You could then set such HTML strings as the value of your <textarea>. Your component's template would now become:

        <vnode-to-html :vnode="$slots.default" @html="valForMyTextArea = $event" />



In both alternatives...

The usage of the my-component stays the same:

   <p class="textbox">hello world</p>

Vue.component('my-component', {
  props: ["content", "name", "id"],
  template: `
          <vnode-to-html :vnode="$slots.default" @html="valueForMyTextArea = $event" />
  data() { return {valueForMyTextArea: '', myContent: null} }

Vue.component('textarea-slot', {
  props: ["value", "name", "id"],
  render: function(createElement) {
    return createElement("textarea",
      {attrs: {id: this.$props.id, name: this.$props.name}, on: {...this.$listeners, input: (e) => this.$emit('input', e.target.value)}, domProps: {"value": this.$props.value}},
      [createElement("template", {ref: "slotHtmlRef"}, this.$slots.default)]
  data() { return {defaultSlotHtml: null} },
  mounted() {
    this.$emit('input', [...this.$refs.slotHtmlRef.childNodes].map(n => n.outerHTML).join('\n'))

Vue.component('vnode-to-html', {
  props: ['vnode'],
  render(createElement) {
    return createElement("template", [this.vnode]);
  mounted() {
    this.$emit('html', [...this.$el.childNodes].map(n => n.outerHTML).join('\n'));

new Vue({
  el: '#app'

<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue"></script>

<div id="app">
    <p class="textbox">hell
      o world1</p>

    <p class="textbox">hello world2</p>


  • Vue parses the <slot>s into VNodes and makes them available in the this.$slots.SLOTNAME property. The default slot, naturally, goes in this.$slots.default.
  • So, in runtime, you have available to you what has been passed via <slot> (as VNodes in this.$slots.default). The challenge now becomes how to convert those VNodes to HTML String? This is a complicated, still open, issue, which may get a different solution in the future, but, even if it ever does, it will most likely take a while.
  • Both solutions above (template-slot and vnode-to-html) use Vue's render function to render the VNodes to the DOM, then picks up the rendered HTML.
  • Since the supplied slots may have arbitrary HTML, we render the VNodes into an HTML Template Element, which doesn't execute any <script> tags.
  • The difference between the two solutions is just how they "handle back" the HTML generated from the render function.
    • The vnode-to-html returns as an event that should be picked up by the parent (my-component) which uses the passed value to set a data property that will be set as :value of the textarea.
    • The textarea-slot declares itself a <textarea>, to the parent doesn't have to. It is a cleaner solution, but requires more care because you have to specify which properties you want to pass down to the <textarea> created inside textarea-slot.


    However possible, it is important to know that Vue, when parsing the declared <template> into <slot>s, will strip some formatting information, like whitespaces between top-level components. Similarly, it strips <script> tags (because they are unsafe). These are caveats inherent to any solutions using <slot>s (presented here or not). So be aware.


    Typical rich text editors for Vue, work around this problem altogether by using v-model (or value) attributes to pass the code into the components.


    • vue-ace-editor: Demo/codepen here.
    • Vue Prism Editor: Demo here.
    • vue-monaco (the code editor that powers VS Code): demo here.
    • vue-codemirror: Demo here. This is by far the most starred on github.


    They all have very good documentation in their websites (linked above), so it would be of little use for me to repeat them here, but just as an example, see how codemirror uses the value prop to pass the code:

    <codemirror ref="myCm"

    所以他们就是这样做的.当然,如果<slot> s(带有警告)适合您的用例,则也可以使用它们.

    So that's how they do it. Of course, if <slot>s - with its caveats - fit your use case, they can be used as well.