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Asp.net MVC的行动和观点的问题

更新时间:2023-02-16 11:33:25


Use a viewmodel to collect just the information that you want to show in your view. In your selection logic, select into the viewmodel the top-level attributes from the category and the relevant parts of the association. You can certainly have more than one parameter to the method. Supply the extra parameters to the route values in your ActionLink or Form helper methods and it should construct the Url properly to reference your action. Note you will need to change the type of the model in the view as well to match that from the action.

public ActionResult Catalog(string id, int? page)
    page = page ?? 1;
    var category = pe.Categories.SingleOrDefault(cat => cat.CategoryName == id);
    var model = new CatalogViewModel
                       ID = category.ID,
                       Name = category.CategoryName,
                       Subcategories = category.Subcategories,
                       Products = category.Products.ToPagedList( page, PageSize )

    return View(model);


@if (Model.Products.Page < Model.Products.Pages)
    @Html.ActionLink( "Next",
                      new { id = Model.ID, page = Model.Products.Page + 1 } ) 