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oracle sql中违反了PK

更新时间:2023-02-16 12:22:01

发布的代码使用INSERT ALL语法在单个语句中插入多行.它尝试使用序列NEXTVAL为每一行生成唯一的标识符.

The posted code uses the INSERT ALL syntax to insert multiple rows in a single statement. It attempts to use sequence NEXTVAL to generate a unique identifier for each row.


The documentation is quite clear on the functioning of NEXTVAL:


"Within a single SQL statement containing a reference to NEXTVAL, Oracle increments the sequence once"


So each of those calls to NEXTVAL will return the same value from the sequence, and so the statement hurls ORA-00001.


The problem is that the OP's code is misusing the multi-table insert syntax. It is intended to distribute rows from one set of source data across several tables, or conditionally manipulate the rows into one table. In either case it assumes the source data already has a primary key.


There are various ways of working around this, from hardcoding the ID to using multiple single table insert statements.


Here is one way to populate these tables with the posted data:

insert into athlete (athlete_no, athlete_name, athlete_birthdate, athlete_birthplace, athlete_born_country, athlete_gender, athlete_height, athlete_weight, athlete_team_country)
select athlete_no_seq.nextval , nm, dt, pl, ctry, gn, ht, wt, tm
from (
    select 'Michael Phelps' nm, to_date('1985-06-30','yyyy-mm-dd') dt, 'Towson' pl, 'USA' ctry, 'M' gn, 193 ht, 88 wt, 'USA' tm from dual union all
    select 'Stephanie Rice', to_date('1988-06-17','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Brisbane', 'AUS', 'F', 176, 67, 'AUS' from dual union all
    select 'Rebecca Adlington', to_date('1989-02-17','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Mansfield', 'GBR', 'F', 179, 870, 'GBR' from dual union all
    select 'Lee Chong Wei', to_date('1982-10-21','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Perak', 'MAS', 'M', 170, 60, 'MAS' from dual union all
    select 'Lin Dan', to_date('1983-10-14','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Fujian', 'CHN', 'M', 176, 68, 'CHN' from dual union all
    select 'Peter Gade', to_date('1976-12-14','yyyy-mm-dd'), 'Aalborg', 'DEN', 'M', 183, 73, 'DEN' from dual

insert into competes (athlete_no, discipline_code, sg_gameno)
select ath.athlete_no, disc.discipline_code, 30
from athlete ath
     cross join discipline disc
where disc.discipline_name = 'Swimming'

insert into venue(venue_no, venue_name, venue_location, venue_usedfrom, venueused_to, venue_seatingcapacity, venue_structure, venue_use)
select venue_no_seq.nextval, nm, loc, dtf, dtt, cap, vs, vu
from (
    select 'Aquatics Centre' nm, 'Olympics Park, East London' loc, to_date('2012-07-28','yyyy-mm-dd') dtf, to_date('2012-10-08','yyyy-mm-dd') dtt, 17500 cap, 'N' vs, 'P' vu  from dual union all
    select 'Wembley Arena', 'North West London', to_date('2012-07-28','yyyy-,mm-dd'), to_date('2012-08-05','yyyy-mm-dd'), 6000, 'E', 'P'  from dual 