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将Razor HTML转换为可下载的PDF

更新时间:2023-02-16 22:46:39


I asked another question to try to solve the not downloading file issue, and I got it.


Before anything, I was doing the request through ajax because I thought to be a good way to do so, but as it turns out, there's a much simpler way: not using ajax.


So, I removed the script for the button and the button itself, so now looks like this:

<a href="DescargarPDF/?itemId=@item.Id" target="_blank" class="btn btn-secondary btn-info">PDF</a>


It has the same appearance than before, but it's actually a link to my controller's method, which right now looks like this:

public FileResult DescargarPDF (int itemId) {
        var presupuesto = ReglasNegocio.Fachada.Consultas.ObtenerPresupuesto(itemId);             
        var archivo = new Rotativa.PartialViewAsPdf("_PresupuestoFinal", presupuesto) { FileName = "Presupuesto_" + itemId + ".pdf", PageSize = Rotativa.Options.Size.A4 };
        var binario = archivo.BuildFile(this.ControllerContext);        

        return File(binario, "application/pdf", archivo.FileName);           


I know in most cases this wouldn't be a valid solution since I just left ajax behind, but there are many other questions where the answer worked for them and they still use ajax to manage the request.


Still, I hope this helps. Thanks to everyone. Happy coding.



I just found out why my PDF file was dropped into console, check the other question, I left a little explanation for that particular issue. Thanks everyone.