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更新时间:2023-02-17 17:19:08


If you do not intend to update the row but merely want to ensure that no other transaction is working on the row, obtain an Intention Shared (IS) lock:

SELECT first_name FROM actor WHERE last_name = 'tugay' LOCK IN SHARE MODE

如果打算在结果返回后更新行,请获取Intent eXclusive(IX)锁:

If you intend to update the row after the result comes back, obtain an Intention eXclusive (IX) lock:

SELECT first_name FROM actor WHERE last_name = 'tugay' FOR UPDATE


Both of these queries will block until the requested lock is available. Since IS and IX locks are incompatible with the exclusive X lock held by the transaction that is doing or has done an update on the row (and has not yet committed or rolled back), either of the above queries will block until that other transaction releases its X lock by either committing or rolling back.


Only then does this transaction obtain the locks and receive its result.


Finally, this transaction eventually releases the locks it obtained, by committing or rolling back.

另请参见 https ://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/innodb-locking.html#innodb-shared-exclusive-locks