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更新时间:2023-02-17 21:30:01


Define the inputs: the variables r010 etc. which we assume are scalars and the string s.


Then define a pattern pat which matches the {...} part and a function Sum which accepts the 3 capture groups in pat (i.e. the strings matched to the parts of pat within parentheses) and performs the desired sum.


Use gsubfn to match the pattern, passing the capture groups to Sum and replacing the match with the output of Sum. Then evaluate it.


In the example the only variables in the global environment whose names are between r010 and r050 inclusive are r010 and r020 (it would have used more had they existed) and since they sum to r060 it returned TRUE.


# inputs
r010 <- 1; r020 <- 2; r060 <- 3
s <- "{r010-050} == {r060}"

pat <- "[{](\\w+)(-(\\w+))?[}]"
Sum <- function(x1, x2, x3, env = .GlobalEnv) {
  x3 <- if(x3 == "") x1 else paste0(gsub("\\d", "", x1), x3)
  lst <- ls(env)
  sum(unlist(mget(lst[lst >= x1 & lst <= x3], envir = env)))
eval(parse(text = gsubfn(pat, Sum, s)))
## [1] TRUE