
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-18 12:08:39


  1. 此代码难以进行cythonize的原因是您的代码已向量化.所有操作都通过numpynumexpr进行. 虽然单独执行这些操作都是有效的,但它们都会增加一些python开销(如果您看一下cython可以生成的带注释的.html文件,就可以看到这一点.)
  2. 如果您多次调用此函数(根据注释显示),则可以通过将mktout设置为cdef函数来节省一些时间. Python函数调用的开销很大.
  3. 较小,但您可以尝试避免使用python math模块中的任何功能.您可以将其替换为from libc cimport math as cmath,而改为使用cmath.exp.
  4. 我看到您的mktout函数包含一个python列表mean_mu_alpha.您可以考虑使用cdef class对象替换此参数,然后键入此参数.如果您选择使mktout成为cdef函数,则它可以只是一个struct或double *数组.无论哪种方式,索引到python列表(可以包含需要取消装箱成对应的c型的任意python对象)的索引都将很慢.
  5. 这可能是最重要的部分.对于每次调用mktout的操作,您都在为许多数组分配内存(对于每个mualphathresholdcaset-p-数组).然后,您可以在函数末尾(通过python的gc)释放所有这些内存,只是可能在下一次调用时再次使用所有这些空间.如果可以更改mktout的签名,则可以将所有这些数组作为参数传递,以便可以在函数调用之间重用和覆盖内存.对于这种情况,另一种更好的选择是遍历数组并一次执行一个元素的所有计算.
  6. 您可以使用cython的prange函数对代码进行多线程处理.在完成所有上述更改之后,我会解决这个问题,并且我会在mktout函数本身之外进行多线程处理.也就是说,您将对 mktout的调用进行多线程处理,而不是对mktout本身进行多线程处理.


更新#1::实施#1,#3和#5点后,我的折叠速度提高了11倍.这是这段代码的样子.我相信,如果放弃def函数,list mean_mu_alpha输入和tuple输出,它的运行速度会更快. 注意:与原始代码相比,我在最后一位小数位得到的结果略有不同,这可能是由于某些我不理解的浮点规则所致.

from libc cimport math as cmath
from libc.stdint cimport *
from libc.stdlib cimport *

def mktout(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma):
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[0])
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[1])
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[2])
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[3])
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    return t1_sum/n, t2_sum/n, p1_sum/n, p2_sum/n

更新#2:实现了cdef(#2),python对象消除(#4)和多线程(#6)构想. #2和#4的好处微不足道,但对于#6却是必需的,因为无法在OpenMP prange循环中访问GIL.有了多线程,您的四核笔记本电脑将获得2.5倍的额外速度提升,相当于比原始代码快27.5倍的代码.我的outer_loop函数并不是完全准确的,因为它只是一遍又一遍地重新计算相同的结果,但是对于一个测试用例来说应该足够了.完整的代码如下:

from libc cimport math as cmath
from libc.stdint cimport *
from libc.stdlib cimport *
from cython.parallel cimport prange

def mktout(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma):
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[0])
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[1])
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[2])
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[3])
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    return t1_sum/n, t2_sum/n, p1_sum/n, p2_sum/n

ctypedef struct Vec4:
    double a
    double b
    double c
    double d

def outer_loop(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma, size_t n):
        size_t i
        Vec4 mean_vec
        Vec4 out

    mean_vec.a = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[0])
    mean_vec.b = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[1])
    mean_vec.c = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[2])
    mean_vec.d = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[3])

    with nogil:
        for i in prange(n):
            cy_mktout(&out, &mean_vec, errors, par_gamma)
    return out

cdef void cy_mktout(Vec4 *out, Vec4 *mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma) nogil:
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.a)
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.b)
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.c)
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.d)
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    out.a = t1_sum/n
    out.b = t2_sum/n
    out.c = p1_sum/n
    out.d = p2_sum/n


from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import Extension
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import platform

libraries = {
    "Linux": [],
    "Windows": [],
language = "c"
args = ["-w", "-std=c11", "-O3", "-ffast-math", "-march=native", "-fopenmp"]
link_args = ["-std=c11", "-fopenmp"]

annotate = True
directives = {
    "binding": True,
    "boundscheck": False,
    "wraparound": False,
    "initializedcheck": False,
    "cdivision": True,
    "nonecheck": False,
    "language_level": "3",
    #"c_string_type": "unicode",
    #"c_string_encoding": "utf-8",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    system = platform.system()
    libs = libraries[system]
    extensions = []
    ext_modules = []

    #create extensions
    for path, dirs, file_names in os.walk("."):
        for file_name in file_names:
            if file_name.endswith("pyx"):
                ext_path = "{0}/{1}".format(path, file_name)
                ext_name = ext_path \
                    .replace("./", "") \
                    .replace("/", ".") \
                    .replace(".pyx", "")
                ext = Extension(
                    include_dirs = [np.get_include()],

    #setup all extensions
    ext_modules = cythonize(

    #immediately remove build directory
    build_dir = "./build"
    if os.path.exists(build_dir):

更新#3:根据@ GZ0的建议,在许多情况下,代码中的表达式将评估为零并被浪费地计算.我试图通过以下代码消除这些区域(同时修复了case3case6语句之后):

cdef void cy_mktout_if(Vec4 *out, Vec4 *mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma) nogil:
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.a)
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.b)
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.c)
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.d)
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        if j_is_larger:
            case1 = mu10 < 1 / c
            case2 = mu21 >= threshold2
            case3 = not (case1 | case2)

            t0 = case1*c + case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case3 / threshold2
            t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) + case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1)
            t2 = c - t0 - t1

            t1_sum += t1
            t2_sum += t2
            p1_sum += case2 + case3
            p2_sum += case2

            case4 = mu20 < 1 / c
            case5 = mu11 >= threshold3
            case6 = not (case4 | case5)

            t0 = case4 * c + case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
            t1 = case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
            t2 = c - t0 - t1

            t1_sum += t1
            t2_sum += t2
            p1_sum += case5
            p2_sum += case5 + case6

    out.a = t1_sum/n
    out.b = t2_sum/n
    out.c = p1_sum/n
    out.d = p2_sum/n


outer_loop: 0.5116949229995953 seconds
outer_loop_if: 0.617649456995423 seconds
mktout: 0.9221872320049442 seconds
mktout_if: 1.430276553001022 seconds
python: 10.116664300003322 seconds


I have a function that is the inner loop of some larger problem. SO it will be called millions of time. I have tried to optimize it. But since it is my first numerical project, I am wondering if there are other ways that can improve the speed.

cython does not seem to help. Maybe numpy is close to c already. or I don't write cython code efficiently.

import numpy as np
import math
import numexpr as ne

par_mu_rho = 0.8
par_alpha_rho = 0.7
# ' the first two are mean of mus and the '
# ' last two are the mean of alphas.'
cov_epsilon = [[1, par_mu_rho], [par_mu_rho, 1]]
cov_nu = [[1, par_alpha_rho], [par_alpha_rho, 1]]
nrows = 10000 
epsilon_sim = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], cov_epsilon, nrows)
nu_sim = np.random.multivariate_normal([0, 0], cov_nu, nrows)
errors = np.concatenate((epsilon_sim, nu_sim), axis=1)
errors = np.exp(errors)

### the function to be optimized

def mktout(mean_mu_alpha, errors, par_gamma):
    mu10 = errors[:, 0] * math.exp(mean_mu_alpha[0])
    mu11 = math.exp(par_gamma) * mu10  # mu with gamma
    mu20 = errors[:, 1] * math.exp(mean_mu_alpha[1])
    mu21 = math.exp(par_gamma) * mu20
    alpha1 = errors[:, 2] * math.exp(mean_mu_alpha[2])
    alpha2 = errors[:, 3] * math.exp(mean_mu_alpha[3])

    j_is_larger = (mu10 > mu20)
    #     useneither1 = (mu10 < 1/168)
    threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (168 + alpha1)
    #     useboth1 = (mu21 >= threshold2)
    j_is_smaller = ~j_is_larger
    #     useneither2 = (mu20 < 1/168)
    threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (168 + alpha2)
    #     useboth2 = (mu11 >= threshold3)
    case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / 168)
    case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
    #     case3 = j_is_larger * (1 - (useneither1 | useboth1))
    case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
    case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / 168)
    case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
    #     case6 = j_is_smaller * (1 - (useneither2 | useboth2))
    case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)
    t0 = ne.evaluate(
        "case1*168+case2 * (168 + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * 168 +case5 * (168 + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3")
    # for some cases, t1 would be 0 anyway, so they are omitted here.
    t1 = ne.evaluate(
        "case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)")
    # t2 = (j_is_larger*useboth1*(t0*alpha2*mu21- alpha2) +
    #       j_is_smaller*useboth2*(t0*alpha2*mu21- alpha2) +
    #       j_is_smaller*(1- (useneither2|useboth2))*(t0*alpha2*mu20 - alpha2)
    #       )
    t2 = 168 - t0 - t1
    p12 = case2 + case5
    p1 = case3 + p12
    p2 = case6 + p12
    return t1.sum()/10000, t2.sum()/10000, p1.sum()/10000, p2.sum()/10000

timeit mktout([-6,-6,-1,-1], errors, -0.7)

On my old mac with 2.2GHz i7. the function runs at about 200µs.


Based on suggestions and code from @CodeSurgeon and @GZ0, I settled on the following code

def mktout_full(double[:] mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma):
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        double threshold2, threshold3
        double t0, t1, t2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum, p12_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[0])
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[1])
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[2])
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[3])
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0
    p12_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n) :
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
    #         mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
    #         mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
    #         alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
    #         alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]
    #         j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
    #         j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger

        if (mu10 >= mu20):
            if (mu10 >= 1/c) :
                mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
                alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
                alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]
                threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
                if (mu21 >= threshold2):
                    mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
                    t0 =  (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2)
                    t1 = (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
                    t1_sum += t1
                    t2_sum += c - t0 - t1
                    p1_sum += 1
                    p2_sum += 1
                    p12_sum += 1
                else :
                    t1_sum += ((1/threshold2) * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1)
                    p1_sum += 1
        else :
            if (mu20 >= 1/c) :
                mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
                alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
                alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]
                threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)
                if (mu11 >= threshold3):
                    mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
                    t0 =  (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2)
                    t1 = (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
                    t1_sum += t1
                    t2_sum += c - t0 - t1
                    p1_sum += 1
                    p2_sum += 1
                    p12_sum += 1
                else :
                    t2_sum += ((1/threshold3) * alpha2 * mu20 - alpha2)
                    p2_sum += 1

    return t1_sum/n, t2_sum/n, p1_sum/n, p2_sum/n, p12_sum/n

my original code runs at 650µs. mktout and mktout_if by codesurgeon run at about 220µs and 120µs. the above mktout_full runs at about 68 µs. What I do in mktout_full is to optimize the if-else logic in mktout_if. Perhaps surprisingly, parallelized out_loop by codesurgeon combined with if-else logic in mktout_full is way slower (121ms).

Briefly looking at the code and attempting to cythonize it, simply adding ndarray types to all of the parameters and variables does not change performance meaningfully. If you are fighting for shaving off microseconds for this function in this tight inner loop, I would consider making the following modifications:

  1. The reason why this code is so tough to cythonize is that your code is vectorized. All of the operations are going through numpy or numexpr. While each of these operations alone are efficient, they all add some python overhead (which can be seen if you look at the annotated .html files cython can produce).
  2. If you are calling this function many times (as it appears based on your comments), you can save some time by making mktout a cdef function instead. Python function calls have significant overhead.
  3. Minor but you can try avoiding any functions from python's math module. You can replace this with from libc cimport math as cmath and use cmath.exp instead.
  4. I see your mktout function takes in a python list mean_mu_alpha. You could consider using a cdef class object to replace this parameter and type this instead. If you choose to make mktout a cdef function instead, this can become just a struct or double * array. Either way, indexing into a python list (which can be contain arbitrary python objects that need to be unboxed into corresponds c-types) is going to be slow.
  5. This is probably the most important part. For each call to mktout, you are allocating memory for lots of arrays (for each mu, alpha, threshold, case, t- and p- array). You then proceed to free all of this memory at the end of the function (through python's gc), only to likely use all of this space again the next call. If you can change the signature of mktout, you can pass in all of these arrays as parameters so that the memory can be reused and overwritten across function calls. Another option, which is better for this case, would be to iterate through the array and do all of the calculations one element at a time.
  6. You can multithread the code using cython's prange function. I would reach for this after you have made all of the above changes, and I would do the multithreading outside of the mktout function itself. That is, you would be multithreading calls to mktout rather than multithreading mktout itself.

Making the above changes will be a lot of work, and you will likely have to reimplement many of the functions provided by numpy and numexpr yourself to avoid the python overhead associated with each of time. Please let me know if any part of this is unclear.

Update #1: Implementing points #1, #3, and #5, I get about a 11x fold speed-up. Here is what this code looks like. I am sure it can go faster if you ditch the def function, the list mean_mu_alpha input, and the tuple output. Note: I get slightly different results in the last decimal place compared to the original code, likely due to some floating point rules I do not understand.

from libc cimport math as cmath
from libc.stdint cimport *
from libc.stdlib cimport *

def mktout(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma):
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[0])
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[1])
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[2])
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[3])
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    return t1_sum/n, t2_sum/n, p1_sum/n, p2_sum/n

Update #2: Implemented the cdef (#2), python object elimination (#4) and the multithreading (#6) ideas. #2 and #4 alone had negligible benefit, but were necessary for #6 since the GIL cannot be accessed in OpenMP prange loops. With the multithreading, you get an additional 2.5x speed boost on my quad core laptop, amounting to code that is about 27.5x faster than the original. My outer_loop function is not wholly accurate though since it just recalculates the same result over and over, but it should be enough for a test case. The complete code is below:

from libc cimport math as cmath
from libc.stdint cimport *
from libc.stdlib cimport *
from cython.parallel cimport prange

def mktout(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma):
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[0])
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[1])
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[2])
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(<double>mean_mu_alpha[3])
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    return t1_sum/n, t2_sum/n, p1_sum/n, p2_sum/n

ctypedef struct Vec4:
    double a
    double b
    double c
    double d

def outer_loop(list mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma, size_t n):
        size_t i
        Vec4 mean_vec
        Vec4 out

    mean_vec.a = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[0])
    mean_vec.b = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[1])
    mean_vec.c = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[2])
    mean_vec.d = <double>(mean_mu_alpha[3])

    with nogil:
        for i in prange(n):
            cy_mktout(&out, &mean_vec, errors, par_gamma)
    return out

cdef void cy_mktout(Vec4 *out, Vec4 *mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma) nogil:
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger, j_is_smaller
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.a)
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.b)
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.c)
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.d)
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        case1 = j_is_larger * (mu10 < 1 / c)
        case2 = j_is_larger * (mu21 >= threshold2)
        case3 = j_is_larger ^ (case1 | case2)
        case4 = j_is_smaller * (mu20 < 1 / c)
        case5 = j_is_smaller * (mu11 >= threshold3)
        case6 = j_is_smaller ^ (case4 | case5)

        t0 = case1*c+case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) +case3 / threshold2 +case4 * c +case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
        t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) +case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1) +case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
        t2 = c - t0 - t1

        p12 = case2 + case5
        p1 = case3 + p12
        p2 = case6 + p12

        t1_sum += t1
        t2_sum += t2
        p1_sum += p1
        p2_sum += p2

    out.a = t1_sum/n
    out.b = t2_sum/n
    out.c = p1_sum/n
    out.d = p2_sum/n

And the setup.py file that I use is as follows (has all of the optimization and OpenMP flags):

from distutils.core import setup
from Cython.Build import cythonize
from distutils.core import Extension
import numpy as np
import os
import shutil
import platform

libraries = {
    "Linux": [],
    "Windows": [],
language = "c"
args = ["-w", "-std=c11", "-O3", "-ffast-math", "-march=native", "-fopenmp"]
link_args = ["-std=c11", "-fopenmp"]

annotate = True
directives = {
    "binding": True,
    "boundscheck": False,
    "wraparound": False,
    "initializedcheck": False,
    "cdivision": True,
    "nonecheck": False,
    "language_level": "3",
    #"c_string_type": "unicode",
    #"c_string_encoding": "utf-8",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    system = platform.system()
    libs = libraries[system]
    extensions = []
    ext_modules = []

    #create extensions
    for path, dirs, file_names in os.walk("."):
        for file_name in file_names:
            if file_name.endswith("pyx"):
                ext_path = "{0}/{1}".format(path, file_name)
                ext_name = ext_path \
                    .replace("./", "") \
                    .replace("/", ".") \
                    .replace(".pyx", "")
                ext = Extension(
                    include_dirs = [np.get_include()],

    #setup all extensions
    ext_modules = cythonize(

    #immediately remove build directory
    build_dir = "./build"
    if os.path.exists(build_dir):

Update #3: Per the advice of @GZ0, there were lots of conditions where expressions in the code would evaluate to zero and be wastefully calculated. I have attempted to eliminate these areas with the following code (after fixing both the case3 and case6 statements):

cdef void cy_mktout_if(Vec4 *out, Vec4 *mean_mu_alpha, double[:, ::1] errors, double par_gamma) nogil:
        size_t i, n
        double[4] exp
        double exp_par_gamma
        double mu10, mu11, mu20, mu21
        double alpha1, alpha2
        bint j_is_larger
        double threshold2, threshold3
        bint case1, case2, case3, case4, case5, case6
        double t0, t1, t2
        double p12, p1, p2
        double t1_sum, t2_sum, p1_sum, p2_sum
        double c

    #compute the exp outside of the loop
    n = errors.shape[0]
    exp[0] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.a)
    exp[1] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.b)
    exp[2] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.c)
    exp[3] = cmath.exp(mean_mu_alpha.d)
    exp_par_gamma = cmath.exp(par_gamma)
    c = 168.0

    t1_sum = 0.0
    t2_sum = 0.0
    p1_sum = 0.0
    p2_sum = 0.0

    for i in range(n):
        mu10 = errors[i, 0] * exp[0]
        mu11 = exp_par_gamma * mu10
        mu20 = errors[i, 1] * exp[1]
        mu21 = exp_par_gamma * mu20
        alpha1 = errors[i, 2] * exp[2]
        alpha2 = errors[i, 3] * exp[3]

        j_is_larger = mu10 > mu20
        j_is_smaller = not j_is_larger
        threshold2 = (1 + mu10 * alpha1) / (c + alpha1)
        threshold3 = (1 + mu20 * alpha2) / (c + alpha2)

        if j_is_larger:
            case1 = mu10 < 1 / c
            case2 = mu21 >= threshold2
            case3 = not (case1 | case2)

            t0 = case1*c + case2 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case3 / threshold2
            t1 = case2 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1) + case3 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu10 - alpha1)
            t2 = c - t0 - t1

            t1_sum += t1
            t2_sum += t2
            p1_sum += case2 + case3
            p2_sum += case2

            case4 = mu20 < 1 / c
            case5 = mu11 >= threshold3
            case6 = not (case4 | case5)

            t0 = case4 * c + case5 * (c + alpha1 + alpha2) / (1 + mu11 * alpha1 + mu21 * alpha2) + case6 / threshold3
            t1 = case5 * (t0 * alpha1 * mu11 - alpha1)
            t2 = c - t0 - t1

            t1_sum += t1
            t2_sum += t2
            p1_sum += case5
            p2_sum += case5 + case6

    out.a = t1_sum/n
    out.b = t2_sum/n
    out.c = p1_sum/n
    out.d = p2_sum/n

For 10000 iterations, the current code performs as follows:

outer_loop: 0.5116949229995953 seconds
outer_loop_if: 0.617649456995423 seconds
mktout: 0.9221872320049442 seconds
mktout_if: 1.430276553001022 seconds
python: 10.116664300003322 seconds

I think the cost of the conditional and the branch misprediction that results is making the function surprisingly slower, but I would appreciate any help clearing this up for certain.