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更新时间:2023-02-18 12:29:50



Problem #1

The most Matlab-like way for doing this I can think of is two-dimensional convolution (conv2) (as I now see was commented by @rahnema1):

M = randi(9, 5, 5); % input: square matrix, arbitrary size
N = 3; % block size, assumed square, not larger than M
result = conv2(M, ones(N), 'valid');

等效地,您可以使用最近引入的 movsum 函数,两次(每个维度一次):

Equivalently, you can use the recently introduced movsum function, twice (once for each dimension):

result = movsum(movsum(M, N, 1, 'Endpoints', 'discard'), N, 2, 'Endpoints', 'discard');


M =
     4     4     3     1     2
     2     8     7     1     6
     3     6     7     5     5
     6     5     4     8     1
     5     9     6     9     4

result =
    44    42    37
    48    51    44
    51    59    49



Problem #2

The simplest way (not the most efficient one) is to use convolution again with a logical matrix containing true at the desired position and false otherwise, and checking where the convolution is not zero:

in_coords = [3 4]; % example input coordinates
T = false(size(M)); % initiallize matrix containing false, same size as M
T(in_coords(1), in_coords(2)) = true; % true at the desired coordinates
C = conv2(T, ones(N), 'valid'); % this gives 1 for blocks affected by in_coords
[ii, jj] = find(C); % row and column indices of nonzero values 
out_coords = [ii jj]; % build result


out_coords =
     1     2
     2     2
     3     2
     1     3
     2     3
     3     3