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更新时间:2023-02-18 15:41:37

另一种类似于Sotos的方法,但是1)使用 data.table ,2)不使用 factor 和3)将替换为 Rfast :: rowTabulate

Another option similar to Sotos' approach but 1) using data.table, 2) not using factor and 3) replacing table with Rfast::rowTabulate:

v <- c('Hard', 'Match', 'Easy')
vv <- do.call(paste, expand.grid(v, v))
DT[, (vv) := {
        mat <- mapply(paste, .SD[, -ncol(.SD), with=FALSE], .SD[, -1L])
        as.data.table(Rfast::rowTabulate(matrix(match(mat, vv, 0L), nrow=.N)))
    }, .SDcols=Task_Alpha:Task_Delta]


   userID Score Task_Alpha Task_Beta Task_Charlie Task_Delta Hard Hard Match Hard Easy Hard Hard Match Match Match Easy Match Hard Easy Match Easy Easy Easy
1:   3108 -8.00       Easy      Easy         Easy       Easy         0          0         0          0           0          0         0          0         3
2:   3207  3.00       Hard      Easy        Match      Match         0          0         0          0           1          1         1          0         0
3:   3350  5.78       Hard      Easy         Hard       Hard         1          0         1          0           0          0         1          0         0
4:   3961 10.00       Easy      <NA>         Hard       Hard         1          0         0          0           0          0         0          0         0
5:   4021 10.00       Easy      Easy         <NA>       Hard         0          0         0          0           0          0         0          0         1


DT <- structure(list(
    userID = c(3108L, 3207L, 3350L, 3961L, 4021L), 
    Score = c(-8, 3, 5.78, 10, 10), 
    Task_Alpha = structure(c(1L, 2L, 2L, 1L, 1L), .Label = c("Easy", "Hard"), class = "factor"), 
    Task_Beta = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, NA, 1L), .Label = "Easy", class = "factor"), 
    Task_Charlie = structure(c(1L, 3L, 2L, 2L, NA), .Label = c("Easy", "Hard", "Match"), class = "factor"), 
    Task_Delta = structure(c(1L, 3L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("Easy", "Hard", "Match"), class = "factor")), 
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -5L))


Would be interesting to know how fast this approach works on actual dataset and if actual dataset is large.


nr <- 1e6
vec <- c('Hard', 'Match', 'Easy', NA)
DT <- data.table(userID=1:nr, Task_Alpha=sample(vec, nr, TRUE), Task_Beta=sample(vec, nr, TRUE),
    Task_Charlie=sample(vec, nr, TRUE), Task_Delta=sample(vec, nr, TRUE))
df <- as.data.frame(DT)
DT0 <- copy(DT)
DT1 <- copy(DT)
DT2 <- copy(DT)

mtd0 <- function() {
    t(apply(df[-1L], 1, function(i) {
        i1 <- paste(i[-length(i)], i[-1L]);
        i1 <- factor(i1, levels = do.call(paste, expand.grid(c('Easy', 'Match', 'Hard'),
            c('Easy', 'Match', 'Hard'))));

mtd1 <- function() {
    f_cols <- names(DT0)[ sapply( DT0, is.factor ) ]
    DT0[, (f_cols) := lapply(.SD, as.character), .SDcols = f_cols ]
    #melt to long format
    DT.melt <- melt( DT0, id.vars = "userID", measure.vars = patterns( task = "^Task_"))
    #set order of Aplha-Beta-etc...
    DT.melt[ grepl( "Alpha",   variable ), order := 1 ]
    DT.melt[ grepl( "Beta",    variable ), order := 2 ]
    DT.melt[ grepl( "Charlie", variable ), order := 3 ]
    DT.melt[ grepl( "Delta",   variable ), order := 4 ]
    #order DT.melt
    setorder( DT.melt, userID, order )
    #fill in codes EE, etc...
    DT.melt[, `:=`( code1 = gsub( "(^.).*", "\\1", value ),
        code2 = gsub( "(^.).*", "\\1", shift( value, type = "lead" ) ) ),
        by = userID ]
    #filter only rows without NA
    DT.melt <- DT.melt[ complete.cases( DT.melt ) ]
    #cast to wide output
    dcast( DT.melt, userID ~ paste0( code2, code1 ), fun.aggregate = length )

mtd2 <- function() {
    v <- c('Hard', 'Match', 'Easy')
    vv <- do.call(paste, expand.grid(v, v))
    DT2[, (vv) := {
        mat <- mapply(paste, .SD[, -ncol(.SD), with=FALSE], .SD[, -1L])
        as.data.table(Rfast::rowTabulate(matrix(match(mat, vv, 0L), nrow=.N)))
    }, .SDcols=Task_Alpha:Task_Delta]

bench::mark(mtd0(), mtd1(), mtd2(), check=FALSE)


# A tibble: 3 x 13
  expression      min   median `itr/sec` mem_alloc `gc/sec` n_itr  n_gc total_time result                     memory                 time     gc              
  <bch:expr> <bch:tm> <bch:tm>     <dbl> <bch:byt>    <dbl> <int> <dbl>   <bch:tm> <list>                     <list>                 <list>   <list>          
1 mtd0()        2.19m    2.19m   0.00760     252MB    2.26      1   297      2.19m <int[,9] [1,000,000 x 9]>  <df[,3] [171,481 x 3]> <bch:tm> <tibble [1 x 3]>
2 mtd1()       33.16s   33.16s   0.0302      856MB    0.754     1    25     33.16s <df[,10] [843,688 x 10]>   <df[,3] [8,454 x 3]>   <bch:tm> <tibble [1 x 3]>
3 mtd2()     844.95ms 844.95ms   1.18        298MB    1.18      1     1   844.95ms <df[,14] [1,000,000 x 14]> <df[,3] [8,912 x 3]>   <bch:tm> <tibble [1 x 3]>