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在java 8中按多个字段名分组

更新时间:2023-02-19 07:57:16


You have a few options here. The simplest is to chain your collectors:

Map<String, Map<Integer, List<Person>>> map = people


Then to get a list of 18 year old people called Fred you would use:



A second option is to define a class that represents the grouping. This can be inside Person:

class Person {
    public static class NameAge {
        public NameAge(String name, int age) {

        // must implement equals and hash function

    public NameAge getNameAge() {
        return new NameAge(name, age);


Map<NameAge, List<Person>> map = people.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Person::getNameAge));


map.get(new NameAge("Fred", 18));

最后,如果你不想实现自己的组类,那么许多Java框架都有一个类,专为此类事物而设计。例如: apache commons pair 如果你使用这些库中的一个,然后你可以为地图的关键字创建一对名称和年龄:

Finally if you don't want to implement your own group class then many of the Java frameworks around have a pair class designed for exactly this type of thing. For example: apache commons pair If you use one of these libraries then you can make the key to the map a pair of the name and age:

Map<Pair<String, Integer>, List<Person>> map =
    people.collect(Collectors.groupingBy(p -> Pair.of(p.getName(), p.getAge())));


map.get(Pair.of("Fred", 18));


Personally I really dislike these tuple libraries. They seem to be the exact opposite of good OO design: they hide intent instead of exposing it.

说过你可以通过定义自己的分组来组合后两个选项类,但通过扩展 Pair 来实现它 - 这为您节省了很多定义等于等所涉及的工作并隐藏使用元组只是一个方便的实现细节,就像任何其他集合一样。

Having said that you can combine the second two options by defining your own grouping class but implementing it by just extending Pair - that saves you a lot of the work involved in defining equals etc and hides the use of the tuple as just a convenient implementation detail like any other collection.
