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如何从资产文件中获取 URI?

更新时间:2023-02-23 21:13:16

没有资产文件夹中存在的文件的绝对路径".您项目的 assets/ 文件夹的内容打包在 APK 文件中.使用 AssetManager 对象来获取资产上的 InputStream.

There is no "absolute path for a file existing in the asset folder". The content of your project's assets/ folder are packaged in the APK file. Use an AssetManager object to get an InputStream on an asset.

对于WebView,您可以像使用URL 一样使用file Uri 方案.资产的语法是 file:///android_asset/...(注意:三个斜杠),其中省略号是 assets/ 文件夹中的文件路径.

For WebView, you can use the file Uri scheme in much the same way you would use a URL. The syntax for assets is file:///android_asset/... (note: three slashes) where the ellipsis is the path of the file from within the assets/ folder.