
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-02-23 22:03:15



Hey I have a program that I wrote that requires calling function on a windows form from a different thread. The problem occurs because windows forms are not thread safe.

The way to get around this is to invoke a function in the windows form threads message loop via something like this

// declare a delegate to pass to the message queue
delegate void funcDelegate();

// Declare the function you want your windows form to call
public void function()
    // If the function is being called in the same thread
    // as the form Invoke is not required, so call what needs
    // to be called
    if (!WindowsFormName.InvokeRequired)
        textbox1.text = value.ToString();
    // If not invoke this function in the message queue so the
    // Window form calls it when it is ready.
        WindowsFormName.Invoke(new funcDelegate(function));




This code should be written in the area where you background thread is written. The idea is, that when you background thread needs to change the value on the form and show the message box, you call the function from within you background thread.

The function will run, and invoke required will be true since it is not in the windows form thread. This will put the same function into the message queue of the windows form. When the form calls the function, which it will because it is in the message queue, InvokeRequired will be false and the code will run to change the forms values and display the message box.

I''m sure you can handle the counting to 25 so I won''t go into that, however if you wish to call a function with parameters, there are some tiny changes that need to be made to the code. for example you would have to change the function to add the parameters

public void function(int param1)


and the delegate to reflect that

delegate void funcDelegate(int param1);

然后是invoke语句,因为我从未使用过它,所以我不太确定这一点,但是我认为您只是将参数作为对象数组传递.如果您在Google上查找Invoke c#,就会发现有很多内容,但是我认为它会像

and then the invoke statement, I''m not completely sure about this one because i never used it, however I think you just pass the parameters as an array of object. If you look up Invoke c# on google there is plenty on it, but I think it would be something like

WindowsFormName.Invoke(new funcDelegate(function),
           new object[] {IntVariableToBePassed});



NOTE: WindowsFormName is the name of you form.

Hope that helps,