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会话在MVC AuthorizeAttribute中变为空

更新时间:2023-02-26 08:14:01


3 years down the line and I ran into a similar issue. Now I'm no expert but I believe each controller context call is unique in it's own space, thus httpContext.Session would be null on a new call.


My issue came in the form of a logged in AD user I wanted to store (with his custom application permissions) in a session variable. I'm extending on the AuthorizationAttribute too, but when this filter is applied to a controller action, httpContext is null even though the user was saved.


For people battling with the same issue, the way around this is to create a base controller where this user and it's session state is kept throughout other controllers (inheriting the base controller).



public class LoggedInUser
        public somenamespace.userclass UserProfile { get; set; }
        public List<somenamespace.user_permission_class> UserPermissions { get; set; }


public class ControllerBase : Controller
        private LoggedInUser _LoginUser;

        public LoggedInUser LoginUser
                if (_LoginUser != null)
                    return _LoginUser;

                if (Session["_LoginUser"] == null)
                    return null;

                return Session["_LoginUser"] as LoggedInUser;
                _LoginUser = value;
                Session["_LoginUser"] = _LoginUser;

        public void PerformUserSetup(string sUsername) // sUsername for testing another user, otherwise User.Identity will be used.
            sUsername = string.IsNullOrEmpty(sUsername) ? User.Identity.Name : sUsername;
            sUsername = (sUsername.IndexOf("\\") > 0) ? sUsername.Split('\\').ToArray()[1] : sUsername;

            // Todo - SQL conversion to stored procedure
            List<userclass> tmpUser = Root.Query<userclass>(/*sql to select user*/).ToList();

            List<user_permission_class> tmpUserpermissions = Root.Query<user_permission_class>(/*sql to select user permissions*/).ToList();

            LoggedInUser _LoginUser = new LoggedInUser();
            _LoginUser.UserProfile = tmpUser.First();
            _LoginUser.UserPermissions = tmpUserpermissions;

            LoginUser = _LoginUser;



My HomeController (standard with any MVC example) :

public class HomeController : ControllerBase
        [Authorize] // Standard AuthorizeAttribute (AD test)
        public ActionResult Index()
            if (Session["_LoginUser"] == null)

            return View();


My Custom permission checking filter which I'll use on any other controller action:

public class PermissionAuthorize : AuthorizeAttribute
        private readonly string[] permissions;
        public PermissionAuthorize(params string[] perms)
            this.permissions = perms;

        protected override bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)
            bool auth = false;

            if (httpContext.Session["_LoginUser"] == null)
                // Do nothing as auth is false.
                // Check permissions and set auth = true if permission is valid.
                auth = true;

            return auth;

        /* not using
        public override void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            var tmp = filterContext.HttpContext.Session;
        protected override void HandleUnauthorizedRequest(AuthorizationContext filterContext)
            // Todo - direct to "unauth page"


public class Some_OtherController : /*PossibleNamespace?.*/ControllerBase

        [PermissionAuthorize("somepermission")] // This was a CRUD application thus 1 permission per actionresult
        public ActionResult ViewWhatever()