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Django 日期格式'dd-mm-yyyy'

更新时间:2023-02-26 14:23:07

问题是我需要 settings.py 文件中的 ISO 和 UK 日期格式,如下所示:

The problem turned out to be that I needed both the ISO and UK date formats in the settings.py file like so:

DATE_INPUT_FORMATS = ('%d-%m-%Y','%Y-%m-%d')

然后将 forms.py 调整为以下内容:

and then the forms.py adjusted to the following:

class ClientDetailsForm(ModelForm):
    date_of_birth = DateField(input_formats=settings.DATE_INPUT_FORMATS)
    class Meta:
        model = ClientDetails

为什么 USE_L10N = True 不能这样做,我不知道!

Why USE_L10N = True can't just do this I don't know!
