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微服务、amqp 和服务注册/发现

更新时间:2023-02-26 21:27:12

AMQP(实际上是任何 MOM)为进程提供了一种通信方式,而无需考虑实际的 IP 地址、通信安全、路由等问题.这并不一定意味着任何进程都可以信任或什至拥有与其通信的进程有关的任何信息.

AMQP (any MOM, actually) provides a way for processes to communicate without having to mind about actual IP addresses, communication security, routing, among other concerns. That does not necessarily means that any process can trust or even has any information about the processes it communicates with.


Message queues do solve half of the process: how to reach the remote service. But they do not solve the other half: which service is the right one for me. In other words, which service:

  • 有我需要的资源
  • 可以信任(托管在可靠的服务器上,具有令人满意的服务实施,位于当地法律符合您要求的国家/地区等)
  • 收取您想支付的费用(尽管人们很少讨论微服务的成本)
  • 将在处理您的服务所需的整个时间窗口内都在那里——请记住,服务器变得越来越不稳定.有些服务器实际上是可以持续几分钟的容器.


Those two problems are almost linearly independent. To solve the second kind of problems, you have resource brokers in Grid computing. There is also resource allocation in order to make sure that the last item above is correctly managed.


There are some alternative strategies such as multicasting the intention to use a service and waiting for replies with offers. You may have reverse auction in such a case, for instance.


In short, the rule of thumb is that if you do not have an a priori knowledge about which service you are going to use (hardcoded or in some configuration file), your agent will have to negotiate, which includes dynamic service discovery.