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Visual Studio 2017 中的 Xamarin (Android) 单元测试

更新时间:2023-02-27 11:37:10


There are three basic levels of testing:

  • 这里没有什么新鲜事,这与 .Net 程序员一直在做的测试相同,与 Xamarin 平台框架无关


注意:有多个用于 NUnit、XUnit 等的设备测试包装器... Xamarin 包括一个在 AndroidiOSNUnitLite 版本/code> 并提供特定于设备的 UI 来运行这些测试.Xamarin 具有为 Android 或 iOS 创建单元测试应用项目的模板.

Note: There are multiple on device testing wrappers for NUnit, XUnit, etc... Xamarin includes a NUnitLite version that runs on Android and iOS and that provide a device specific UI to run those tests. Xamarin has templates that create a Unit Test App project for Android or iOS.

注意:这些测试可以包括平台相关的功能(网络、蓝牙、GPS、SMS 等...但没有与 GUI 相关的测试),也可以参考用 PCL 编写的 Nunit [Test]s-基于程序集或特定于平台的库.

Note: These tests can include platform dependent features (Networking, Bluetooth, GPS, SMS, etc... but no GUI related tests) and can also reference Nunit [Test]s written in PCL-based assemblies or platform-specific libraries.

  • Xamarin.iOS Unit Testing
  • Xamarin.Mac Unit Testing via GUIUnit
  • Xamarin.Android Setup and Automating

Casabash/Appium/... 驱动测试应用程序中的 UI 元素及其对输入(触摸)事件的反应.

A Casabash/Appium/... driven tests of the UI elements in your application and their reaction to input (touch) events.

  • 测试云/移动中心和/或其他本地、公共或私有移动测试云

  • Test Cloud/Mobile Center and/or other local, public or private mobile test clouds

Xamarin 测试云