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Visual Studio 不记得断点更改

更新时间:2023-02-27 15:12:02

根据我的经验,您描述的行为表明 .suo 文件(解决方案范围的用户选项 - 位于解决方案文件夹中)已损坏.要对此进行测试,您可以重命名文件或将文件移动到其他文件夹.之后,您的所有断点和许多其他设置(例如打开了哪些代码文件)都将消失,但断点应该会恢复正常.

In my experience, the behavior you describe is a sign that the .suo-file (solution-wide user options - located in the solution folder) is corrupt. To test this, you can rename or move the file to an other folder. After that, all your breakpoints and many other settings (e.g. which code-files were opened) will be gone, but the breakpoints should behave as usual again.

如果您不想丢失断点,可以从断点窗口导出和导入它们.我认为这是 VS2012 的新功能(我在高级版中尝试过).

If you don't want to lose your breakpoints, you can export and import them from the breakpoints-window. I think this is a new feature of VS2012 (I tried it in the Premium Edition).


An other possibility is that you are encountering a "feature" that is described here: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/391642/permanently-remove-a-breakpoint-in-visual-studio-during-debugging