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如何将节点从数组添加到多级 XML?

更新时间:2021-08-08 07:07:35

为了坚持使用 DOMDocument,我添加了一个额外的循环以允许您添加所有原始数组项.主要是在添加一个新项目进来,检查它是否已经存在...

To stick with using DOMDocument, I've added an extra loop to allow you to add all of the original array items in. The main thing is before adding a new item in, check if it's already there...

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

$set=array("A-B-C-D","A-B-E","A-B-C-F-G", "A-B-G-Q");
$doc = new DomDocument();

foreach ( $set as $input ) {
    $base = $doc->documentElement;
    foreach($arr as $a2) {
        $newcomm = null;
        // Decide if the element already exists.
        foreach ( $base->childNodes as $nextElement )   {
            if ( $nextElement instanceof DOMElement 
                    && $nextElement->tagName == $a2 )   {
                $newcomm = $nextElement;
        if ( $newcomm == null )   {
            $newcomm = $doc->createElement($a2);
echo $doc->saveXML();

由于没有快速的方法(据我所知)来检查具有特定标签名称的子元素,它只是在所有子元素中查找具有相同名称的 DOMElement.

As there is no quick way ( as far as I know) to check for a child with a specific tag name, it just looks through all of the child elements for a DOMElement with the same name.

我开始使用 getElementByTagName,但这会找到具有该名称的任何子节点,而不仅仅是在当前级别.

I started using getElementByTagName, but this finds any child node with the name and not just at the current level.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


I added a few other items in to show that it adds things in at the right place.