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在 pandas 中使用动态名称创建新的数据框,并添加新列

更新时间:2023-08-25 08:02:28


Creating variables with dynamic names is typically a bad practice.


I think the best solution for your problem is to store your dataframes into a dictionary and dynamically generate the name of the key to access each dataframe.

import copy

dict_of_df = {}
for ym in [201511, 201612, 201710]:

    key_name = 'df_new_'+str(ym)    

    dict_of_df[key_name] = copy.deepcopy(df)

    to_change = df['YearMonth']< ym
    dict_of_df[key_name].loc[to_change, 'new_col'] = ym   

Out[36]: ['df_new_201710', 'df_new_201612', 'df_new_201511']

{'df_new_201511':     A    B  ID                       t  YearMonth  new_col
 0  -a    a   1 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612
 1   1  NaN   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612
 2   a    c   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612,
 'df_new_201612':     A    B  ID                       t  YearMonth  new_col
 0  -a    a   1 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612
 1   1  NaN   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612
 2   a    c   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201612,
 'df_new_201710':     A    B  ID                       t  YearMonth  new_col
 0  -a    a   1 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201710
 1   1  NaN   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201710
 2   a    c   2 2016-12-05 07:53:35.943     201612   201710}

 # Extract a single dataframe
 df_2015 = dict_of_df['df_new_201511']