
且构网 - 分享程序员编程开发的那些事


更新时间:2023-08-25 23:13:52


  • O(1)算法是已知的6堆栈
  • O(1)算法是已知的3堆栈,但使用这在实践中对应于具有附加的内部数据结构惰性评估,因此它并不构成的溶液
  • 在靠近塞奇威克人们已经证实,他们不知道的3堆叠解决方案的原始问题的所有限制范围内



There are two implementations behind this link: http://www.eecs.usma.edu/webs/people/okasaki/jfp95/index.html


One of them is O(1) with three stacks BUT it uses lazy execution, which in practice creates extra intermediate data structures (closures).


Another of them is O(1) but uses SIX stacks. However, it works without lazy execution.


UPDATE: Okasaki's paper is here: http://www.eecs.usma.edu/webs/people/okasaki/jfp95.ps and it seems that he actually uses only 2 stacks for the O(1) version that has lazy evaluation. The problem is that it's really based on lazy evaluation. The question is if it can be translated to a 3-stack algorithm without lazy evaluation.


UPDATE: Another related algorithm is described in paper "Stacks versus Deques" by Holger Petersen, published in 7th Annual Conference on Computing and Combinatorics. You can find the article from Google Books. Check pages 225-226. But the algorithm is not actually real-time simulation, it's linear-time simulation of a double-ended queue on three stacks.


gusbro: "As @Leonel said some days ago, I thought it would be fair to check with Prof. Sedgewick if he knew a solution or there was some mistake. So I did write to him. I just received a response (albeit not from himself but from a colleague at Princeton) so I like to share with all of you.He basically said that he knew of no algorithms using three stacks AND the other constraints imposed (like not using lazy evaluation). He did know of an algorithm using 6 stacks as we already know looking at the answers here. So I guess the question is still open to find an algorithm (or prove one cannot be found)."