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检查 JavaScript 中深层嵌套对象属性是否存在的最简单方法是什么?

更新时间:2021-08-09 07:01:36

如果你希望 YAHOO.Foo.Bar 是一个有效的对象,但又想让你的代码防弹以防万一't,那么在它周围放置一个 try catch 并让一个错误处理程序捕获任何丢失的段可能是最干净的.然后,您可以只使用一个 if 条件而不是四个来检测终端属性是否存在,如果中间对象不存在,则可以使用一个捕获处理程序来捕获事物:

If you expect YAHOO.Foo.Bar to be a valid object, but want to make your code bulletproof just in case it isn't, then it can be cleanest to just put a try catch around it and let one error handler catch any missing segment. Then, you can just use one if condition instead of four that will detect if the terminal property exists and a catch handler to catch things if the intermediate objects don't exist:

try {
    if (YAHOO.Foo.Bar.xyz) {
        // operate on YAHOO.Foo.Bar.xyz
} catch(e) {
    // handle error here


or, depending upon how your code works, it might even just be this:

try {
    // operate on YAHOO.Foo.Bar.xyz
} catch(e) {
    // do whatever you want to do when YAHOO.Foo.Bar.xyz doesn't exist


I particularly use these when dealing with foreign input that is supposed to be of a particular format, but invalid input is a possibility that I want to catch and handle myself rather than just letting an exception propagate upwards.

一般来说,一些 javascript 开发人员很少使用 try/catch.我发现有时我可以用一个更大的功能块周围的单个 try/catch 替换 5-10 个检查输入的 if 语句,同时使代码更简单,更易读.显然,什么时候合适取决于特定的代码,但绝对值得考虑.

In general, some javascript developers under-use try/catch. I find that I can sometimes replace 5-10 if statements checking input with a single try/catch around a larger function block and make the code a lot simpler and more readable at the same time. Obviously, when this is appropriate depends upon the particular code, but it's definitely worth considering.

仅供参考,如果通常的操作是不使用 try/catch 抛出异常,那么它也可以比一堆 if 语句快得多.

FYI, if the usual operation is to not throw an exception with the try/catch, it can be a lot faster than a bunch of if statements too.


If you don't want to use the exception handler, you can create a function to test any arbitrary path for you:

function checkPath(base, path) {
    var current = base;
    var components = path.split(".");
    for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
        if ((typeof current !== "object") || (!current.hasOwnProperty(components[i]))) {
            return false;
        current = current[components[i]];
    return true;


var a = {b: {c: {d: 5}}};
if (checkPath(a, "b.c.d")) {
    // a.b.c.d exists and can be safely accessed